Saturday, March 31, 2018

Spring Forward!

Greetings, Gifted Reader.

We’re back!

Seriously, but with only a few words of wisdom to impart because, as we explained in our last post, we’re currently juggling a multitude of projects.

But, here’s our advice for your Rites of Spring. As you know, the season began on March 20 with the Sun’s entry into Aries. 

First a word about the first sign of the Zodiac. “Me.” That’s it. Aries is about the self, the “I Am” of the Universe. So, Aries rules the energy and drive that propels us forward—that makes us fight to survive, like the battering ram that represents it. Ruled by the warrior planet Mars, Aries is a Cardinal Fire Sign—meaning it tends towards spontaneous, risky behavior; often taking a competitive, combative stance. That’s not to say those can’t be desirable traits—think; inventors, entrepreneurs, soldiers or athletes. But wherever you have Aries or Mars in your chart, you need to be aware that you tend to be aggressive in that particular area of life.

As with all beginnings, Spring is a good time for a cleansing.

Amanda and her assistant sells her Mana tea, great for cleansing
Start with your body and try a gentle fruit juice fast followed by a thorough scrub down. Then, tackle your mental state by taking up a meditation class, or simply begin a practice of your own. Pick a quiet corner of your home, burn a scented candle or incense to create a peaceful space, then allow your mind to flow until you feel you’ve arrived at a fresh, new place.

Meditation may also take care of some of your spiritual needs, but if you still feel discontent on that level, try an overnight camping trip far from civilization; or, if you can’t, try sleeping outdoors under the stars at least for a night.

beautiful lilies for your Rites of Spring
We’re still experiencing issues with our Facebook profile page and have also let go of our old website, Gypsy Stars. Look to the future for a new site, but not likely before Fall. We do, however, still have our T_zing t-shirts for you at CafePress.

Happy Spring!

Good luck, light and love.

Gypsy Stars

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