Saturday, October 15, 2011

Strange Days: Coincidences

Greetings, Gifted Reader!

With so many stormy events coming at us in waves these days, it’s not hard to believe that we’re embarking on some strange days in a brave new world. Against the background of protestors overtaking our largest U.S. cities, there is mounting poverty, the lack of jobs, and people losing their homes in an ever-increasing violent society.

pleasant memory of Santa Monica beach
What in heavens is going on? Well, in the U.S.’ birth chart, Saturn in Libra is squaring Pluto in Capricorn—making for trying times between authorities and common folks. While Capricorn rules government, Libra is about justice; Saturn creates challenges while Pluto is destructive. There are, of course, many other Astrological details to consider and add to this prognosis, but the focus of today’s blog is not about the current political landscape of this country.

Instead, Gypsy Stars would like to present you with this question: What does it mean to experience coincidences?

Earlier today, I watched a movie at the theater. In this movie, an unusual name was spoken which immediately brought to my mind the site where an extremely violent act recently occurred. These two things—the name the actor spoke in the movie and the name of a store that was the scene of a murderous rampage in real life—had absolutely nothing to do with each other. Yet this name was so different that encountering it twice in one week gave me pause for thought.

pleasant memory of Colorado mountains
Also, at this same movie, an old yet distinctive song was played in the background of one scene. Several hours after the movie was finished, and I was walking around downtown, a mother with a young son stopped to ask me directions. Her restless boy, about 5 years old, began loudly humming—the exact same song. Shocked, I asked if they had been at the same screening as me, which was the first time the movie had played in theaters. But, she said that her child had heard the song from somewhere else, some weeks before, somewhere she couldn’t quite remember.

Now, what are the chances of hearing an unusual song that’s consequently hummed by a stranger later the same day? Is there a deeper, hidden message in this experience? Each of us encounters such coincidences on a daily basis, but few of us have the time or interest in decoding them. That’s why dreaming and meditation are so important to help us untangle lessons that are woven within coincides.

pleasant memory of Hawai'i beach
For me, personally, this song was significant because both my sister and I learned to play it on the piano as children. The nostalgia brought to mind a happier time. Perhaps with all those storm clouds on the horizon, I was in need of a pleasant diversion that my subconscious mind gifted to me. By hearing the same song twice, I was bound to pay attention to it; thus, experiencing a pleasant memory and reliving a better time in my life.

Drop a line at about the coincidences in your life so we can compare notes.

Meanwhile, remember you can “friend” Gypsy Stars on Facebook, “like” The Urban Goddess fan page that is support for all metaphysicians everywhere, and purchase a T-zing t-shirt.

May all of your coincidences bring you pleasant memories.

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars

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