Sunday, November 18, 2012

Season Of Celebration During A Time Of Departure

Greetings, Gifted Reader!

Yes, Gypsy Stars is late (again!) in posting this blog, but it’s that crazy time of year. You know, this is the period when those of us in North America celebrate a plethora of holidays. Beginning with Halloween (or All Hallows Eve, or Day of the Dead) to Thanksgiving to Hanukkah to Christmas to Kwanzaa to New Year’s (not just on January 1, but beyond with all the various Asian New Years), most of us find ourselves hustling and bustling in an effort to party.

Persian cat...meow
Gypsy Stars would like to know exactly what holidays you participate in and, more importantly, why?

Did you do Halloween this year? Did you wear a costume or go trickin' for treats like me? Meow.

And what are your plans for Thanksgiving, or as some label it—a national day of mourning for the First Peoples, or the Indigenous, of this mainland? Read about how Thanksgiving is celebrated in other countries, including Grenada and Japan:

Christmas pine
Soon, it will be Christmas and yet another new year. Are you ready for a rebirth or renewal of spirit at this cold and bleak time? Or, does celebrating a new year in the dead of winter, on January 1, not make sense to you? 

Wouldn’t you feel more renewed in early spring when the Sun moves into Aries, the beginning of the Zodiac, and blooming flowers?

Spring roses
What is it about fall and death, anyway? Gypsy Stars recently lost a very close friend and re-examined this time of year. While leaves end their cycles by falling from trees and leaving bare branches behind, other wonders of Nature also hibernate during this season. It's no coincidence that fall coincides with the Astrological sign Scorpio and the Eighth House—the ruler of death and regeneration. No wonder we celebrate so much during this time when heavy thoughts and feelings threaten to permeate our souls.

Spring deer
Dear Gifted Reader, I leave you with this wish for peace and light during these dark times.

Remember you can friend Gypsy Stars on Facebook and 'like' The Urban Goddess fan page, too. And, we have T_zing t-shirts on Café Press.

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars