Saturday, March 16, 2013

Walking Backward With Mercury Retrograde

Greetings, Gifted Reader.

So, how’s that Mercury retrograde working for ya?

By now, even the average layperson is aware that when Mercury turns retrograde (slows its speed so as to appear as if it’s moving backward), havoc is wreaked. Or, is it?

two Seattle Astrologers discuss Mercury retrograde
For many of us, Mercury retrograde means revisiting the past. This is a period that can give us an opportunity to fix something we’ve left hanging. Also, note how many people you haven't heard from in decades who suddenly contact you on LinkedIn.

Astrologers know that Mercury rules communications and short-distance travel and when a retrograde occurs, it’s like a blast from the past. Issues we haven’t dealt with come back to haunt us--particularly areas that Mercury rules; like, the aforementioned communications and short-distance travel.

Did you misunderstand an email, letter, note or voicemail—something written or spoken? Or, did your travel plans go awry?

Gypsy Stars revisits her visit to St. John USVI
For those of us with Natal Mercury retrograde, there’s little to fear. We know that by walking backward through any life area, we get clarity. Many of us do that often, naturally, due to our Natal Mercury placement. Personally, Gypsy Stars likes to read backwards, and even watch a film from ending to beginning.

Mercury also rules siblings, neighbors and neighborhoods. Anyone up for a garage sale? This is a good time to get rid of stuff from your past. Maybe, even dump your evil sister.

The current Mercury retrograde period is February 19 to March 18. On the 20th, the Sun will move into Aries to give us a sense of renewal and hope for spring. It will be a great time to jumpstart something brand spanking new. With Venus joining the Sun on the 22nd, check out how closely your love and money sectors sync with your will and determination.

Remember, if you have an interesting metaphysical moment--or many of them--to share with us, drop us a line so we can feature you here. We’d love to let the world know about you and your work.

And, of course, check out our T_zing t-shirts at Cafe Press.

Until the Sun is in bright and beautiful Aries,

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars