Saturday, April 20, 2013


Greetings, Gifted Reader.

Have you ever been eclipsed? Were you enjoying your moment in the spotlight when someone else came along and shone brighter than you?

In Astrology, eclipses play an important role in forecasting events. For instance, on May 9, an Annular Eclipse of the Sun will occur in the sign Taurus. Quoting Jim Maynard’s Celestial Guide 2013:

“An annular eclipse is when a narrow ring of the Sun is visible beyond the dark mask of the Moon.”

a couple of old time Seattle Astrologers
Astrologers believe the Sun rules our outer personalities—our egos and the side we show to the world; whereas, the Moon rules our inner more reflective selves. With the upcoming eclipse, it’s as if a sliver of Sun will attempt to bring light to a part of us that normally remains in a more contemplative area of life; revealing what’s been hiding in our subconscious. In actuality, though, it’s the Moon that’s coming between the Earth and Sun, and blocking illuminating rays with its veil. Does that mean that the Moon is trying to hide something the Sun is way too open about?

Here’s a standard definition of Solar Eclipse:

By the way, where is Taurus located in your Natal chart? That’s the area where the eclipse will affect you. For instance, since it will be transiting Gypsy Stars' 7th House of Partnerships, we wonder if she'll see the light about someone who's played a significant role in her life?

a lovely location to view an eclipse, powerful Sedona
Here’s a blurb about eclipses from’s Monthly Highlights:

>>AstroLesson: The Power of an Eclipse
Going back to ancient times, astrologers have carefully watched solar and lunar eclipses to see what we can learn from these visually dramatic events. And since a solar eclipse is set to occur in Taurus on May 9 -- right in the middle of the upcoming solar period -- now is an ideal time to discuss the impact of eclipses and how you can use them to your benefit!

Think of an eclipse as something that shines a massive spotlight on a specific area of your life, enabling you to clearly see what's going on. Solar eclipses invariably occur at a new Moon, a time of beginnings; lunar eclipses, meanwhile, always happen at a full Moon, a time of culmination when you get to stand back and gauge all your progress.

With any eclipse, you can always plan on something grabbing your attention. Just don't think too far ahead, for what you expect to happen often doesn't! (In fact, we use "eclipse" to say that one event overshadows another.)

Finally, be sure to not ignore whatever important information is revealed in the days immediately before and after an eclipse. May 9's Taurus eclipse sheds light on your finances, as well as your personal values, making it an apt time to take a good look at both.

If you know the area of your own chart where an eclipse is occurring, you can identify the area of your life that will be thrust into the spotlight -- and you'll be able to prepare accordingly!<<


And here are some great suggestions for dealing with eclipses by Susan Miller:

a lovely location to celebrate Earth Day, beautiful Kauai
Hey, how fitting is it that Earth Day is celebrated on April 22, while the Sun is in earthy Taurus!

Remember, we’re always looking for metaphysicians to feature here. Drop us an email at to be our next highlighted reader.

Meanwhile, check out T_zing t-shirts. And, look forward to being eclipsed.

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars

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