Saturday, December 15, 2012

Is This The End?!?

6 days and counting!
Greetings, Gifted Reader!

Don’t look now, but we’re just 6 measly days away from the end of the world. That is, if you believe that 12-21-2012 will signal the termination of life on Earth as we know it. Whether you think that human consciousness will ascend to the next level, or think it’s all just a bunch of ‘stuff’, one thing we can all agree on is that Winter Solstice takes place on 12-21.

What exactly does Winter Solstice mean anyway? Here’s a quick explanation.

And, here's more about 12-21-2012 from an Astronomer.

those clever Maya built this
While Gypsy Stars has many thoughts about what will happen on 12-21-2012, my understanding is that Earth aligns with a portal to the Milky Way every 26,000 years and that day will be December 21. For whatever reasons, those clever Maya knew that. Think about it. They would have had to live through at least two 26,000-year cycles to prove their theory.

However, if you’re reading this after December 21, we can surmise that a lot of folks have misinterpreted that Maya Long Calendar.

distinguished Seattle Astrologers: David, Jim and Dave
As for Astrology, the Sun moves into Capricorn on December 21 this year. A sign that concerns itself with status and reputation, Capricorn has rulership over government. It likes structure. Capricorn also rules the 10th House of career along with the 10th House parent, which is generally the father. With Saturn as its ruling planet, Capricorn is the quintessential stern dad teaching his child through rigorous discipline.

Pay close attention to Saturn right now since it entered Scorpio on October 6. Where is it transiting in your Natal or Progressed charts? Are you experiencing loss, or harsh lessons, in that area of your life?

Last Thursday, Uranus went stationary direct in Aries, and we experienced some shocking news especially involving violence (Mars rules Aries, the sign of the warrior). But on the positive side, this is a good time to begin a new enterprise that involves something unusual and downright freaky thanks to Uranus’ attraction to the weird.

Remember, Gypsy Stars is on Facebook. You can also 'like' The Urban Goddess where we promote all metaphysicians. And, don't forget our T_zing t-shirts At Cafe Press.

Until 2013, if we make it there, folks… 

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Season Of Celebration During A Time Of Departure

Greetings, Gifted Reader!

Yes, Gypsy Stars is late (again!) in posting this blog, but it’s that crazy time of year. You know, this is the period when those of us in North America celebrate a plethora of holidays. Beginning with Halloween (or All Hallows Eve, or Day of the Dead) to Thanksgiving to Hanukkah to Christmas to Kwanzaa to New Year’s (not just on January 1, but beyond with all the various Asian New Years), most of us find ourselves hustling and bustling in an effort to party.

Persian cat...meow
Gypsy Stars would like to know exactly what holidays you participate in and, more importantly, why?

Did you do Halloween this year? Did you wear a costume or go trickin' for treats like me? Meow.

And what are your plans for Thanksgiving, or as some label it—a national day of mourning for the First Peoples, or the Indigenous, of this mainland? Read about how Thanksgiving is celebrated in other countries, including Grenada and Japan:

Christmas pine
Soon, it will be Christmas and yet another new year. Are you ready for a rebirth or renewal of spirit at this cold and bleak time? Or, does celebrating a new year in the dead of winter, on January 1, not make sense to you? 

Wouldn’t you feel more renewed in early spring when the Sun moves into Aries, the beginning of the Zodiac, and blooming flowers?

Spring roses
What is it about fall and death, anyway? Gypsy Stars recently lost a very close friend and re-examined this time of year. While leaves end their cycles by falling from trees and leaving bare branches behind, other wonders of Nature also hibernate during this season. It's no coincidence that fall coincides with the Astrological sign Scorpio and the Eighth House—the ruler of death and regeneration. No wonder we celebrate so much during this time when heavy thoughts and feelings threaten to permeate our souls.

Spring deer
Dear Gifted Reader, I leave you with this wish for peace and light during these dark times.

Remember you can friend Gypsy Stars on Facebook and 'like' The Urban Goddess fan page, too. And, we have T_zing t-shirts on Café Press.

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars

Saturday, October 20, 2012

In Sickness And In Health

Greetings, Gifted Reader!

There’s little that makes us feel more out of control than experiencing illness. There we are, lying in bed, barely able to move, with our bodily functions gone wacky. All of us, at some point, come down with a cold or a communicable disease like measles. And as we get older, we tend to suffer more.

chillin' in healing Honolulu...
But what do you do when you get sick? Some people prefer Western medicine and its unending supply of pharmaceuticals while others practice Ancient, Eastern or Indigenous healing methods. In the latter styles, the reasons for illness are often explored on a deeper level. In some cultures, being sick is attributed to something that’s occurring on a spiritual plane. Some even point to events that transpired in previous lifetimes as the cause for diseases in this life. Most metaphysicians believe that all illnesses manifest for a purpose.

If you’re experiencing a mild ailment, you’ll most likely be well soon again.
In a lot of cases, we can look at the particular area of disease and connect it to the way the mind takes things literally. Even injuries can be attributed to some signal that crosses between our conscious and subconscious.

healing at Lake Shrine, Pacific Palisades...
For instance, I recently stubbed my baby toe badly on the way out the door to a trip I didn’t want to take. Intuitively, I really dreaded this particular journey from the moment I knew I was going on it. And, I was right! It turned out to be one of the worst I’ve ever taken. Further, while I was on it, I was forced to think about my bad choice because of my continually throbbing toe.

On the day of departure, as I gathered my suitcases and checked last-minute details, I rushed towards the door. But just before I got to it, there was a moment where I half turned in a second of indecisiveness before tripping hard over my own feet. Wow. Could the message be any clearer? It’s called ‘stopping one’s self in one’s tracks’, and I was injured because something on another level was telling me not to go.

meditating in the hills of Colorado...
Another example is the inability to hear clearly. I’m not referring to those who are born deaf, but to those who develop hearing issues later in life. In almost every case I know of, that person has a hard time hearing others because they often talk over or interrupt them. Is it just a coincidence that they then experience hearing loss? Could it be their ears are saying, “What am I hanging around for if you’re not going to use me? I think I’ll just shut down.”

If you take some time to explore a recent illness or injury, you may very well pinpoint the reason you’re experiencing it. Obviously, I’m not a medical doctor, and these are merely my observations as a metaphysician. If you have an ailment, please see your practitioner. But if you’ve always wondered how your physical self works in conjunction with your higher consciousness, then meditate on it. Take some time to sit quietly in front of your altar and ask your higher self to tell you why you’re ill or injured.

soothing Sedona...
In Astrology, health is ruled by the Sixth House and is the domain of the sign Virgo whose ruling planet is Mercury. Hard angles to the Sixth House would predispose one to sickness although that can be remedied by any positive aspects. The Twelfth House rules hospitals and with a lot of planets deposited there, one may find oneself confined to (or perhaps just working at) one.

As for cures for illness, it helps to be in a healing environment where Nature can soothe away your troubles. Places like Sedona, Pacific Palisades, Hawai'i or the hills of Colorado all work for me.

Don’t forget to check out T_zing t-shirts on CafĂ© Press, send a friend request to Gypsy Stars on Facebook and like The Urban Goddess fan page. And, Happy Halloween.

Until next time, here’s to you good health and…

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Law According To Oya

Greetings, Gifted Reader!

Kanaka's Oshun necklace for love
What area of life do you find yourself needing the most help with these days? For a lot of people, relationships are a constant problem because they involve others who can never be controlled. No matter how much you love someone, you can’t make that person do what you want them to, how you want them to, or when you want them to. 

Gypsy Stars suggests for those of you experiencing frustration in your love life to try understanding what it’s like for the object of your affection. Even though it’s perfectly human to want to enjoy love the way you want to with that person, you must remember that everyone has his or her own way of loving you back. You can also ask for Oshun's assistance, but that's another blog.

Besides seeking help with relationships, a lot of people also tend to ask for advice about making more money, dealing with work woes, having a successful career, or how to have a happier family life. Actually, those are some of the easier situations to deal with and for which solutions are more abundant. It’s those pesky relationships that disappoint us the most!

leaving eggplants for Oya at Santa Monica cemetery
One irritant that I have personally rubbed up against more than once in my life involves legal issues. Whether you’re dealing with a lawsuit, lawyers or judges, it’s not easy for a layperson to navigate the increasingly complicated and elitist legal system. 

The Astrological signs most associated with law are Libra and Sagittarius. The 7th House rules 'open enemies' (as opposed to the 8th House of 'secret enemies'), while the 9th House rules higher education and law. Jupiter, ruler of Sag, is the planet of justice. If you have a preponderance of planets in Libra or Sag, be prepared to have to confront someone in a courtroom at some point in your life.

looking for Oya in Hawai'i cemetery--boy on ridge, human or spirit?
But know, too, that there are ways to protect yourself against lawsuits and help you prevail in them. One of the most effective is the Yoruba deity Oya. The warrior goddess of lightning and sudden storms, wind and fire, Oya is also the administrator of justice. Her number is 9, interestingly the same as the House that Sag rules.

Take 9 eggplants to the cemetery where Oya lives. Wear purple and silver. Light a purple candle, or light 9 of them. Give yourself over to the mama of righteousness who won’t see her children trample on by lowlife liars and thieves. Oya has her own special way of dealing with those without principles who cross your path and steal from you. Probably one of the most misunderstood deities, Oya’s fierceness is not without good cause. A believer in fairness, she will not sit by idly and watch the innocent suffer.

Here's more about Oya:

(scroll to end of page)

Oya's favorite
Remember, readers, to look for our new line of T_zing t-shirts coming this Fall. You can also friend Gypsy Stars on Facebook and like The Urban Goddess where we promote all metaphysicians. Let us know about your favorites.
Until next month, Fetifum Mama Oya!

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Curses, Or Just My Imagination Running Away?

Greetings, Gifted Reader!

Apologies to subscribers of this blog for this very late post, but a series of psychic mishaps has caused Gypsy Stars to be late in publishing it this month.

Gifted Readers, do you believe in psychic demons? Do you think it’s possible for those whom you consider enemies to generate negative energy and send it your way so that you bumble, stumble and fall when it comes to very ordinary, mundane tasks?

these guys, innocent or capable of evil?
Throughout history, in nearly every culture on the planet, there have been folks putting curses and spells on other folks. Instead of taking on the object of their hatred physically, the person may engage a priest or shaman to perform a ritual for the purpose of bringing harm to another through otherworldly means. By creating spiritual discord through the use of implements, the object of the curse might fall sick or become damaged in some way. Some rituals for curses are quite complex and involved.

But do they work? Or, is it just our imaginations running away with us? Can our fears or negative thinking influence us so strongly that we, in effect, end up putting the curse on ourselves?

Marie LaVeau (her tomb, pictured) called the queen of curses
It’s like that old Twilight Zone television episode, The Monsters on Maple Street, where rumors and innuendo create havoc in people’s imaginations and escalate to the point of disaster. On a suburban street, in a middle-class neighborhood, a power outage has occurred. As neighbors gather in the darkness to determine the cause, one of them volunteers to check out the area beyond their neighborhood. Another man agrees to do the same, but a little boy warns that the outage might be the result of an alien invasion. He goes on to explain that in one of his comic books, extraterrestrials invaded a neighborhood by causing a blackout before disguising one of themselves as a human being. Soon, the neighbors are loudly airing their suspicions about each other. Why does one neighbor’s car suddenly start by itself? And, another has been observed standing outside late at night looking at the sky--while another secretly listens to his radio in his basement. The neighbors get so worked up in their wild accusations that when they spot a lone figure approaching them, one of them grabs a shotgun and shoots without asking questions. Tragically, the dead man turns out to be the volunteer who had gone to check out the rest of the area.

do voodoo, or do we do?
So the lesson of the story, and the lesson for all those who have ever felt they were cursed, is that it doesn’t take anyone outside of you to put a hex on you. Our minds are so powerful that we only need to think that something bad, evil or foul has possessed us and we will create the resulting chaos, or even illness.

Remember to keep your thoughts cheerful, happy and smiling within your spirit. You are a shining star in the loving heavens of this wonderful world. Irie.

happy thoughts...

you're a star...

T_zing will premiere several new t-shirt designs this Fall, so check us out on CafePress. If you’re on Facebook, send a friend request to Gypsy Stars and like The Urban Goddess fan page, too.

Until next we meet, remember to believe in the good in yourself!

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars

Saturday, July 21, 2012

It's In The Stars!

Greetings, Gifted Reader!

During this time of monumental--and often terrifying--world events, one way to find answers is by utilizing Astrology. A lot of people think that reading a newspaper horoscope that dispenses advice to only 12 Sun Signs can provide guidance and, at times, it does. However, for truly accurate predictions, one needs to have a Natal chart erected and interpreted. And, that’s just the beginning. There are also daily transits to consider as well as progressions and other Astrological happenings that act as triggers in our charts. Obviously, planets in our solar system are not stationary and change positions throughout our lifetimes. Mundane charts can also be erected for countries to predict global occurrences. In fact, there are so many ways to read Astrological charts that it would take a dedicated blog to cover the subject.

So instead, this month we’re spotlighting Freya Aer-Sharona, an incredible Astrologer who has accurately pinpointed events in my life even though I, myself, am a degreed Astrologer! That’s right, charts can be so complicated to interpret that Astrologers need Astrologers.

Freya thinks in stars and manifests them...
Q: Freya, when did you first develop your interest in Astrology?

A: After my divorce in 1973, I started dating and met a man whose birthday was three days earlier than my Taurus ex-husband's and in the same year. They were so much alike that I asked him when he was going to make a pond on his property. This scared him as, indeed, he was thinking about it; that was the last I saw of him. Then I met a Libra man whose birthday was one day before mine and in the same year.  We were alike in so many ways that it was uncanny! These chance encounters made me curious enough about Astrology to make an appointment with an Astrologer for a reading. She explained Astrological events that had led to a breakdown I experienced in about 1970. She called the breakdown a “breakthrough”, connecting it partly to a Saturn Return (note: Saturn returns to its Natal position in our charts approximately every 29 years) and putting a positive spin on a miserable process. The Astrologer made more sense and brought me more clarity than any of the therapists I had seen for years. I have been studying Astrology ever since.

Q: Did you study formally?

A: I bought a few Astrology books at the Dorothy B. Hughes Bookstore in Seattle. Back in the 70’s and early 80’s, there weren't many good Astrology books available. Later on, I found a lot more books at Astrology Et Al Bookstore. In the early 80’s, I found a teacher, Kate, to teach me one-on-one how to calculate charts and the basics of Astrology. Because math is not my strong suit, to say the least, months went by while I struggled with it and got discouraged. In fact, when I finally bought a computer in the late 80’s and used Blue*Star Astrology software to calculate charts, I discovered that a lot of my hand-erected charts were inaccurate! Money was tight, but I managed to take a few classes over the years. I experienced difficulty applying my scattered knowledge and feeling confident with my interpretation of a chart. I think this is a common complaint among those of us who have a passionate interest in Astrology, but don't find a structured curriculum to study it in.

In the late 80’s, a friend from my Edgar Cayce study group told me about an Astrology meeting in Seattle, Dave's Astrology Get-Together.  It met once a month in the As-You-Like-It Library in the old IOOF building located in the Capital Hill district. During Dave's meeting, my sporadic, haphazard Astrology studies began to pay off. For the first couple of years of attending the meetings, I felt so boggled by all the shoptalk and “Astrologese” of the Astrologers that sometimes I had to leave early because I'd get a pounding headache! This, too, I think is typical of the early learner.

More time went by and I bought more books and took a few more classes. In 2000, I signed up for a correspondence course with a famous Astrologer, Noel Tyl. However, I discovered that I learn best in a physical class setting that allows me to exchange ideas with other students and the teacher. Thanks to his course of study, I have gained a real sense of “putting it all together”.

Freya interprets an Astrology chart
Q: Do you have a specialty as far as chart interpretation goes?

A: There are many different kinds of Astrology (natal, horary, event, mundane, medical, financial, etc.) and many techniques a person can use to interpret a Natal chart (secondary progressions, solar-arc directions, solar and lunar returns, transits, etc.), whether the chart is for a person or a nation. I have tried some of these techniques and feel some work better for me than others. I love the “a-ha! moment” when insights arise from my review of a person's Natal chart and the predictive techniques that I choose are confirmed by the person. If one can become aware of, and capitalize on, potential opportunities within a certain timeframe, that is very helpful. It's also helpful if one becomes aware of “Big Trouble Brewing”--a long-term aspect from one of the outer, slow-moving planets: Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Being aware of the aspects to their chart can help a person make the most of a situation--be it a challenge, conflict or an opportunity.

Q: How does Astrology help you on a daily basis?

A: I usually keep track of what sign the Moon is in the sky. A Virgo Moon is a great time for digging in and getting housework or some organizational chores done. An Aries Moon is energizing and it's a great time for us to begin a new project. (I think a good introduction to Astrology would be studying the Moon. A good book for this is The Moon in Your Inner Life - Being a Lunar Type in a Solar World by Donna Cunningham.)  In addition, keeping track of Mercury-Retrograde periods (four times a year for about three weeks at a time) helps me. During Mercury Retrograde, I make extra efforts to double-check phone messages, appointments, directions, and communication in general. In fact, we're experiencing a Mercury Retrograde right now (from July 15 to August 8). Today, I spent over an hour looking for a bookstore (for yet more Astrology books!) in an area unfamiliar to me.  It seemed very confusing (Mercury Retrograde strikes again). Mercury also rules short trips.

I’ve also been experiencing challenges from transiting Uranus and Pluto aspects to my Natal Sun, Mars and Moon. This energy ramped up when transiting Mars was added to the mix and made a pattern called a T-square. Even though I knew ahead of time about this T-square from a review of my Natal chart last summer, and I was aware of which areas of my life most likely would be affected, now that the actual T-square is happening, I'm still finding the word "challenge" way too mild. Some days, I consult my ephemeris to see how much longer I can expect to feel bombarded by events that are beyond my control. Pluto is majorly transformative, so I will be learning to surrender in some respect.

Freya checks her emphemeris
Q: How have your predictions turned out?

A: Astrological predictions are not like doing a psychic reading. Logic, discipline and rules of delineation are involved, and I can track and explain how I arrive at my conclusions. The fact that a person armed with Astrological insight has free will can change a predicted outcome. Different topics and areas in life are assigned to each of the Twelve Houses. Sometimes, a prediction can be made about different topics found in a particular House. I recall one instance where I predicted my daughter's friend would get pregnant because her Fifth House was activated. One key word for the Fifth House is “creative”.  It turned out that the friend did not get pregnant as she was hoping, but creativity manifested as writings that she got published.

In late December 2011, my stepson and his girlfriend were ready to leave New Mexico and move on from a difficult situation. I saw from his girlfriend's chart that a female would play a major role in helping them move in a few months. It turned out that by Spring, a female friend in California offered them a solution, but one that did not materialize. However, they eventually answered an ad placed, indeed by a female, which led to a different opportunity for them in California and resulted in a move.

As an Astrologer, I seem to attract people who are seeking reassurance and validation. Among other things, predictions can help a person to recognize that they could do something they had not thought of before and actually feel empowered to work toward manifesting it.  Sometimes, a person may not want to hear an Astrologer's prediction.  Interestingly, I did not give Kate, my first Astrology teacher, the birth data for my second husband before I married him. I did not ask her about how a marriage would work out with my having a Scorpio-Sun daughter who was 14 at the time. That three-month marriage resulted in a painful lesson. It is better at least to go into what could be a difficult situation armed with information!

Q: What does your own Natal chart say about you?

A: With a Libra Sun conjunct Mars in the Third House of my Natal chart and both the Sun and Mars opposing my Aries Moon, and with Leo rising, I am what you would call a passionate person. I have my Libra Sun and three other planets, Venus, Neptune and Mars, in my Third House. Third House planets can lend themselves to teaching roles. Libra likes harmony. I tend to be a patient teacher, in spite of the close proximity of Mars to my Sun. Normally, Mars conjunct Sun can find a person being short-tempered and impatient. I do enjoy teaching. With Pluto on the cusp of the First House, I can be intense and some people may find that quality uncomfortable to be around. One quality I possess, thanks to Neptune, is seeing the best in people. Neptune is conjunct my Sun which I have seen as both a good thing and a bad thing. Aspects between planets in a Natal chart can be like that. I have learned that only seeing the best in people and ignoring their faults can sometimes cloud my judgment. Incidentally, the word “cloud” is a key word for Neptune. This has worked against me in personal relationships in the past. My Astrology studies allowed me to become aware of this tendency.

My chart has a little-known 165-degree aspect called a Quindecile, which I learned about while studying with Mr. Tyl. Quindeciles have an obsessive quality to them. In my case, I find it really helps me focus to meet deadlines. Such concentrated focus served me well in my work in the legal field. Yes, my Libra sense of justice steered me into the legal field where I worked for over 20 years. My Taurus boss once asked me, as I was raptly pouring over some Astrology charts during my work break, "Do you really believe in Astrology?"  Well, DUH!

Q: You're a first-rate Astrologer. Is there any way our blog readers can contact you for a professional reading?

A: I will be happy to do a session for your blog readers. Since I don't have a website yet, they could contact me through yours. In any event, I did enjoy reminiscing and sharing some stories of my Astrology learning process with you all.

Thank you, Freya! Remember readers, contact Freya through us by emailing And, here’s a reminder that we will have new t-shirt designs for Fall at T_zing. Gypsy Stars is also on Facebook and you can post your metaphysical musings on The Urban Goddess fan page. Perhaps you know of someone who would like to be profiled here. Until our online spirits meet again…

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars

Saturday, June 16, 2012

It's In The Cards!

Greetings, Gifted Reader!

Honolulu happens to be one of Gypsy Stars’ favorite places on the planet. For one, the deep spirituality created by Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawai’ians) still permeates the atmosphere. Even in a commercial district like Waikiki, one can feel the strong vibrations of the ancestors.

Inside the International Marketplace, not far from a bubbling pool of water, once stood a tree house called The Enchanted Tree. There, one could have their cards or Astrology chart read. A fellow reader whom I became good friends with is Marge Hemsworth.

Marge explaining what she does
Q: Marge, where were you born and how did you grow up?

A: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Most people here are of Scottish-Irish heritage and think it's a natural thing to rely on your "woman's intuition". It seems most people here have someone in the family who reads cards or tealeaves. Growing up, I was always hearing about forerunners and had dreams about things before or when they were happening. I actually thought everyone did. Then, as I grew up, I found some people have very practical minds and don't listen to ‘hints’ like who's on the phone or who's going to visit you that day.

Marge reading regular playing cards
Q: What kind of readings do you do?

A: Besides the dreams, and a ‘feeling’ something was about to happen, I read regular playing cards. At first, I thought it was just a fun thing to do. Then, when I'd hit on something I had no way of knowing, I realized there was more to this than just a parlor game! I read books on Astrology and handwriting, and took courses in both. Apparently in Europe, people use handwriting for job placements, marriage counseling and children's problems. Here in Canada and the United States, it seems to be used only for job applications, or sometimes it's used in Court to determine a forgery. When I was doing readings in Hawai’i, many people asked me to read the Tarot. Since I'd never studied cards, I asked a co-reader to show me how. She asked me to layout my cards and tell her what they meant. She then said they were very close to what the Tarot cards said. But still, I find they ‘speak’ to me more so than the Tarot. I've read some books on palmistry and numerology and try to incorporate all those things into my readings.

Marge analyzing handwriting
Q: When did you first realize you had a special skill?

A: I've never really considered it a special skill. Like I said, I thought it was the most natural thing in the world. I do try to protect myself in that I try to just read with the cards. As a child I found I picked up other’s pains. Naturally, that was very uncomfortable. Limiting myself to doing readings was much better for me.

Marge reading palms
Q: What drew you into sharing your gifts with the public?

A:  I found when I was a teen and in my early 20’s, every time I was with people, or at a party, I'd end up doing readings, and decided to charge money. I thought that would stop people from asking me, but it had the opposite effect. 

Marge reading regular playing cards
Q: How can people reach you for a reading?

A: Now, for years I've been saying I'm retired and no longer want to do readings. But I'm still hearing from people whom I've read for throughout the years. 

Mahalo nui loa, Marge. If anyone wants a reading with her, drop us a line at and we’ll pass on your request.

Again, Gypsy Stars has been unable to find time to create new t-shirt designs for T_zing. But look to this Fall for several new illustrations.

And, as always, you can friend Gypsy Stars on Facebook and like The Urban Goddess fan page, too, where all are welcomed to post information of interest to the metaphysical world.

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Neptune's Illusion: Films And Spirituality

Greetings, Gifted Reader! 

It’s interesting that the planet Neptune rules both films and spirituality because both come under the heading of illusion. But while books about spirituality seem to abound on bookshelves, films about the subject matter are more rare. Yet, they do exist.

Besides the obvious American hits like 2001: A Space Odysey, the Matrix series and Inception, what movies can you name that delve into the area of spirituality?

We’re talking feature narratives that address the outer limits of the unknown--not necessarily films about religion.

Here are some of Gypsy Stars’ favorites:

The Last Wave (1977) dir. Peter Weir

Richard Chamberlain is a white Australian lawyer hired to defend an Aborigine accused of murder. Soon, he’s living in the world of Aboriginal Dream Time and ends up spiritually battling with a Shaman. Here are the first five minutes:

Altered States (1980) dir. Ken Russell

William Hurt is a psychology student who soaks in a sensory deprivation tank, eats peyote, and swims into deeper levels of consciousness until he emerges as the Missing Link. Here’s a crucial scene:

The Brother from Another Planet (1984) dir. John Sayles

The Brother is Joe Morton as an alien crash landing on Ellis Island and, although he can’t speak, hears and see things no one human can. When The Brother happens upon Harlem, he’s unconditionally accepted even as slave catchers from his planet are in hot pursuit. Watch in its entirety here:

Daughters of the Dust (1991) dir. Julie Dash

This powerful film about the Gullah or Geechee people on the islands off the coast of Georgia takes place in one day and features the Ibo roots they’ve maintained throughout slavery. Author George Patton’s friend, Vertamae Grosvener, plays 'Hair Braider':

Dead Man (1995) dir. Jim Jarmusch

Johnny Depp is a Wild West accountant named Blake who, shot and dying, is helped by a Native American named Nobody (Gary Farmer). When Nobody starts believing that Blake is reincarnated poet William Blake, he sends him on a vision quest to the spirit world.

What Dreams May Come (1998) dir. Vincent Ward

Robin Williams is a doctor who loses his two children, followed by his own life. As a spirit, watching his widow suffer, he is helpless to do anything until she commits suicide. With the whole family on the other side, there are lessons to be learned. A racially diverse cast made this film watch-able even if the depictions of after-life are much too material.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) dir. Michel Gondry

After Kate Winslet has her memory erased of her ex-boyfriend, Jim Carey, he tries to do the same, but wants to keep one piece of their relationship alive. They later meet after they’ve erased each other and fall in love all over again, as strangers.

If you have anything to add to this list, don’t hesitate to contact

Hey, and one thousand lashes with a strip of film for Gypsy Stars for still not creating any new t-shirt designs for T_zing. But look to this Fall for several new illustrations.

And, please continue to show your support by friending Gypsy Stars on Facebook and liking The Urban Goddess fan page, where we post on behalf of metaphysicians everywhere.

Happy movie watching!

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars