Monday, December 31, 2018

A Porky New Year

Greetings, Gifted Reader.

Happy New Year!

Besides this being our last post for 2018, we’re also uncertain whether we’ll be returning next year. Our schedules have been getting more hectic all the time, and we’re no longer able to provide a quality post every quarter.

Meanwhile, we’ll be celebrating the Lunar New Year with the Earth Pig on February 5. Do you know what that will mean for you? 

There are lots of websites where you can find detailed information about what to expect for your animal sign during this upcoming year. Here, Gypsy Stars gives you a short overview of Pigs:

Considered to be sociable, Pigs like being around others especially if the crowd is a glamorous one. And, just like real pigs, they’re also gentle and affectionate. While they can be hard workers, Pigs also like to spend a lot of leisure time hanging out with family—especially babies and kids. Pigs can be very nurturing. 

On the other hand, Pigs have a tendency to overindulge in pleasurable pursuits like eating and drinking, which can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle.

For the most part, it seems we’re headed into a year that’s less dramatic, unless some folks in key positions decide to be “pig headed” about things.

Stay tuned! At this time, we still have our Urban Goddess Facebook page and our T-zing tee shirts on Cafe Press.

Good luck, light and love.

Gypsy Stars

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Pluto: Destroying Structure

Greetings, Gifted Reader.
New Orleans  'feels' Plutonian with its love for mysticism

As we head into Fall, it’s important to note all the movement crisscrossing the sky.

For one, Pluto turned Direct in Capricorn today. Like the underworld he represents, this dwarf planet can be mysterious, secretive and on a serious power trip.

So what happens when he occupies a sign like Capricorn which has rulership over the status quo, governments and business? There’s plenty of disruption, a tearing down so to speak in order to rebuild. 

Much like the rising phoenix, one of Scorpio’s (that Pluto rules) three symbols (the others are the eagle and scorpion), Pluto will wreak havoc in order to start all over again. Think of his actions as a type of death and reincarnation—often before his subjects are ready.

Just read the latest news about what’s going on with the US government, and you will see Pluto at work. He’s been occupying Capricorn—which is all about structure—on and off since 2008 and will sit there until 2024. So, there will be six more years of this stuff. The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was during the American Revolution.

Gypsy Stars visits Marie Laveau with a Scorpio
notice the ray of purple light emanating from her tomb
Being a water sign, Scorpio which is ruled by Pluto is mostly harmonious with the earthly Capricorn. But their compatibility is also where they clash—both wanting to grab the reins of power. 

While Scorpio is more intensely emotional, Capricorn can also be hard to deal with as a Cardinal sign that feels most at home being someone’s boss. Like Scorpio, that often hides its inner feelings, Capricorn is insecure when it comes to emotional expression.

With Scorpio Sun coming up on October 23, this time of year is conducive for celebrating holidays like Dia de los Muertos, All Souls Eve and Halloween—all events surrounding death, another specialty of Pluto’s. 

Please join us back here on December 31 when Mars enters Aries (do we really need more combative energy?). Meanwhile, check us out at the Urban Goddess Facebook page and on Cafe Press at T_zing tee shirts.

Good luck, light and love.

Gypsy Stars

Saturday, June 30, 2018

A Summer Solstice, A Solar Eclipse, And A Grand Trine, Oh My

Greetings, Gifted Reader.

Hopefully, you enjoyed a happy Summer Solstice—an that event occurred on June 21. How do you feel so far? Are you shining sunnier during these carefree summer days? Or has the higher heat been just too inflammatory, triggering eruptions in your life like Madame Pele on Kilauea in Hawai’i Island?

moon rising over the Pacific

You may already be aware, but a very important Astrological happening occurs on July 12 and 13—a partial Solar Eclipse with the New Moon in Cancer shadowing the Sun in Cancer. There’s also a Grand Trine forming among the planets Venus (in Virgo), Uranus (in Taurus), and Pluto (retrograde in Capricorn); along with Sun (in Cancer), Jupiter (retrograde in Scorpio) and Neptune (retrograde in Pisces). Altogether, they will form a six-pointed star.

The New Moon will also conjunct the U.S.’ Sun in Cancer.

Stormie Grace explains it all in her Youtube video:

So, what are your plans? Retrogrades are great for do-overs, btw. Think about what needs starting all over in your own life and apply the Eclipse-Grand Trine towards fixing those things. And, should you begin something new during that period, with all that Cancer energy flowing around, it would be wise to focus on honoring mothers, older females and those that nurture and ensure your safety and security.
a father and his family of sons play at the Pacific

Cancer is also about the home and family; thus, they tends towards introverted behavior. A highly emotional sign, Cancer can have a heard time explaining their feelings and resort to showing the world a grouchy, pouty face—for years! Just kidding, but you Moon children can fall into some deep, dark depressing holes so try to stay light and lively. We need you!

Both Robin Williams (July 21) and Anthony Bourdain (June 25) had their Suns in Cancer.

While you’re here, please check out T_zing t-shirts on Cafe Press and like our Urban Goddess page on Facebook.

Until September 30, we wish you an amazing summer of achievement.

Good luck, light and love.

Gypsy Stars

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Spring Forward!

Greetings, Gifted Reader.

We’re back!

Seriously, but with only a few words of wisdom to impart because, as we explained in our last post, we’re currently juggling a multitude of projects.

But, here’s our advice for your Rites of Spring. As you know, the season began on March 20 with the Sun’s entry into Aries. 

First a word about the first sign of the Zodiac. “Me.” That’s it. Aries is about the self, the “I Am” of the Universe. So, Aries rules the energy and drive that propels us forward—that makes us fight to survive, like the battering ram that represents it. Ruled by the warrior planet Mars, Aries is a Cardinal Fire Sign—meaning it tends towards spontaneous, risky behavior; often taking a competitive, combative stance. That’s not to say those can’t be desirable traits—think; inventors, entrepreneurs, soldiers or athletes. But wherever you have Aries or Mars in your chart, you need to be aware that you tend to be aggressive in that particular area of life.

As with all beginnings, Spring is a good time for a cleansing.

Amanda and her assistant sells her Mana tea, great for cleansing
Start with your body and try a gentle fruit juice fast followed by a thorough scrub down. Then, tackle your mental state by taking up a meditation class, or simply begin a practice of your own. Pick a quiet corner of your home, burn a scented candle or incense to create a peaceful space, then allow your mind to flow until you feel you’ve arrived at a fresh, new place.

Meditation may also take care of some of your spiritual needs, but if you still feel discontent on that level, try an overnight camping trip far from civilization; or, if you can’t, try sleeping outdoors under the stars at least for a night.

beautiful lilies for your Rites of Spring
We’re still experiencing issues with our Facebook profile page and have also let go of our old website, Gypsy Stars. Look to the future for a new site, but not likely before Fall. We do, however, still have our T_zing t-shirts for you at CafePress.

Happy Spring!

Good luck, light and love.

Gypsy Stars