Saturday, December 24, 2011

Celebrate The Season

Greetings, Gifted Reader!

Here’s to a happy holiday season to all you loyal followers of this blog. Whether you celebrate this time period in a traditional manner or not, we’d like to extend our best wishes to you and those who you care about most.

According to this article on Wikipedia, the day Westerners now know as Christmas was originally the winter solstice:

“In 46 BCE Julius Caesar in his Julian calendar established December 25 as the date of the winter solstice of Europe (Latin: Bruma).”

If you read further, you’ll note that there have been many cultures celebrating the sun’s reemergence following winter. Those festivals are entirely expected given that agrarian societies couldn’t harvest during dark, cold months and without stored food on hand, they might even starve. Back in those days without instant electrical power, it must have been terrifying to attempt surviving while the sun’s light was so limited. To see and feel the sun’s heat when the days became longer once again would have been major cause for celebration.

Today, of course, many cultures are influenced by the West and Christmas is acknowledged far and wide. Still, there are rituals that are indigenous to certain countries that will always be. For instance, in Japan, the pine tree is a symbol of longevity because cut pine branches can last for months. Thus, Japanese believe that associating one’s self with pine can attract a long life. 

Below are some photos of one Japanese lady’s holiday pine decorations. Note how she blends the traditional with modern by including hand-cut clothing hanging from a clothesline.

How do you celebrate this season? Whether it’s Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or Christmas, we hope it’s a good time for you. Tell us how it goes at:

You may have noticed that our publishing date of December 17 came and went last week without a posting. Beginning with this issue, this blog will move to the last Saturday of each month. Apologies for this late warning, and thanks for your patience.

Meanwhile, January 23 is the start of the Year of the Water Dragon, signaling a most auspicious time to come. And, with 2012 just around the corner, there should be some clear consciousness-raising going on. Stay tuned, and don’t forget you can “friend” Gypsy Stars on Facebook, “like” The Urban Goddess fan page that supports all metaphysicians everywhere, and purchase a T_zing t-shirt

Until the New Year...

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sender Or Receiver?

Greetings, Gifted Reader!

Last month, Gypsy Stars discussed the meaning of coincidences. So, in this posting I’d like to present this question: “Are you a sender or a receiver?”

Senders have the ability to consciously, or unconsciously, send messages to others and elicit responses. For instance, say you’re casually shopping at your local co-op grocery when you suddenly realize you’ve forgotten to turn off the teapot. Although you had plenty of water in it when you set it on the stove, you’re certain that by now the water has boiled away and your house is about to burn down. Rushing though the checkout and into your vehicle, you speed all the way home worried sick the entire time over that teapot. After what seems like an eternity, you screech into the driveway. Leaving your groceries behind, you burst through the front door and stumble into the kitchen, only to see the teapot still sitting on the stove, but with the burner miraculously turned off. As you puzzle over how that could be, your mate walks into the kitchen, notices your bewilderment, and asks what’s wrong. Breathlessly, you begin explaining how you believed you left the teapot on while he nods vigorously.

“You know, it’s the strangest thing,” he says. “I was going to stay late at work today, but I suddenly got the urge to leave early. I guess we’re lucky that my job is only a few blocks away from the house. The water had almost boiled away when I walked in.”

In this scenario, you are the sender emitting an urgent message to the cosmos. Your mate is the receiver, somehow picking up on your thoughts and, better yet, responding to them.

If you pay attention to your psychic senses, and take notes, you’ll discover many instances where you’ve sent or received telepathic messages. Most of us tend to be one type—sender or receiver—more than the other, although you can be both at different times. It can be a little complicated to figure out which one you are, so I’ll describe several experiences that occurred to me on a recent out-of-town trip.

On my first day at an industry conference, I was drawn to sit near the back on the east side of the room. I didn’t know why, but I tend to go with my intuition and that’s where some part of me wanted to sit. The room soon became crowded with over 100 attendees.

Directly to my left, on the floor, sat a young man. Suddenly he said, “I know you”. I was trying to place him when he told me that I had written about him once for an industry publication. He then positioned himself to sit directly in front of me, and we began chatting. When the young man mentioned that he wanted to work in the Caribbean, the gentleman in front of him turned around and suggested he try the islands where he lived. Immediately, I realized that I had spoken with that gentleman—from the islands—on the phone that very morning. After I introduced myself and reminded him about our earlier phone conversation, we laughed about his ending up sitting two rows directly in front of me. Then, a lady arrived. The room was packed and there was nowhere for her to sit, so the young man in front of me—the one who remembered me writing about him—asked someone two seats to his right to move his bag so the lady could sit there. She declined and started to walk away, but the person moved his bag and she sat down—in front of me and to the right of the young man I had written about. The panel discussion led to a Q&A, and the lady in front of me immediately stood up and was handed a mike. When she introduced herself, I was floored. I had been in touch with this lady by email and phone for over two weeks, but hadn’t recognized her because her online photo looked completely different than she did. After asking her question, she sat down and I patted her on the back. When she turned around, I pointed to my name badge and we both laughed.

In this scenario, I believe I was the receiver with the first young man and the sender with the second gentleman as well as the lady. I was drawn to sit in the corner because I must have picked up that someone familiar was there. Then, I drew the other two to me.

On that same trip, I traveled by public transportation to another part of the city. As I rode a bus, I noticed a woman with her son. Something about her seemed familiar, so I asked her name. Sure enough, she was an acquaintance I used to be in frequent touch with. I hadn’t seen her or her son in about eight years. They both looked so different from the way I remembered them. In fact, the boy is now a teenager and was only about nine when I last saw him. I would have never guessed he, or his mother, would look the way they do now. I might have missed out on reconnecting if I hadn’t asked the woman her name. In this case, we both ended up on the same bus at the same time in a major metropolis with numerous bus lines. It’s hard for me to say who was the sender or receiver here, but I believe she may have been the sender as I had no real agenda to be anywhere at any given time while the woman and her son were on their way to an appointment. She might have been sending out a message of urgency since they needed to be somewhere at a particular time. Somehow, I picked up on it and got on the same bus they were already traveling on.

Again on the same trip, I had dinner with a lady who was introduced by a mutual friend. She and I had never met before. During our very pleasant meal, I realized I had been a frequent patron at a club where she once worked. The lady then asked me about one of the managers whom I barely remembered. I hadn’t seen him in over a decade. Several days later, another friend and I went for a walk on the boardwalk where vendors sell merchandise. As we stopped in front of a booth, the proprietor looked at me and said, “I know your face. You used to come to my club.” It was the same man my dinner companion had asked me about.

Now, this one is complicated as it involves the lady I had dinner with, the man she asked about, and the friend who accompanied me on that walk. Can you guess who the senders or receivers were here? Drop me a line at with your best guess.

The funny thing is that whenever I mention incidents like these to my friends, they say the same thing: “That stuff always happens to you.”

Why don’t you try it? Consciously practice sending your messages out in the Universe and see if you get the responses you desire.

Gypsy Stars at a fundraiser where someone spelled "gypsy" wrong
Remember to “friend” Gypsy Stars on Facebook and “like” The Urban Goddess fan page where we promote metaphysicians. You can also purchase a t_zing t-shirt through the link below.

 Whether you’re a sender or receiver, may you always enjoy life.

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars

Don't forget to visit our website:

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Strange Days: Coincidences

Greetings, Gifted Reader!

With so many stormy events coming at us in waves these days, it’s not hard to believe that we’re embarking on some strange days in a brave new world. Against the background of protestors overtaking our largest U.S. cities, there is mounting poverty, the lack of jobs, and people losing their homes in an ever-increasing violent society.

pleasant memory of Santa Monica beach
What in heavens is going on? Well, in the U.S.’ birth chart, Saturn in Libra is squaring Pluto in Capricorn—making for trying times between authorities and common folks. While Capricorn rules government, Libra is about justice; Saturn creates challenges while Pluto is destructive. There are, of course, many other Astrological details to consider and add to this prognosis, but the focus of today’s blog is not about the current political landscape of this country.

Instead, Gypsy Stars would like to present you with this question: What does it mean to experience coincidences?

Earlier today, I watched a movie at the theater. In this movie, an unusual name was spoken which immediately brought to my mind the site where an extremely violent act recently occurred. These two things—the name the actor spoke in the movie and the name of a store that was the scene of a murderous rampage in real life—had absolutely nothing to do with each other. Yet this name was so different that encountering it twice in one week gave me pause for thought.

pleasant memory of Colorado mountains
Also, at this same movie, an old yet distinctive song was played in the background of one scene. Several hours after the movie was finished, and I was walking around downtown, a mother with a young son stopped to ask me directions. Her restless boy, about 5 years old, began loudly humming—the exact same song. Shocked, I asked if they had been at the same screening as me, which was the first time the movie had played in theaters. But, she said that her child had heard the song from somewhere else, some weeks before, somewhere she couldn’t quite remember.

Now, what are the chances of hearing an unusual song that’s consequently hummed by a stranger later the same day? Is there a deeper, hidden message in this experience? Each of us encounters such coincidences on a daily basis, but few of us have the time or interest in decoding them. That’s why dreaming and meditation are so important to help us untangle lessons that are woven within coincides.

pleasant memory of Hawai'i beach
For me, personally, this song was significant because both my sister and I learned to play it on the piano as children. The nostalgia brought to mind a happier time. Perhaps with all those storm clouds on the horizon, I was in need of a pleasant diversion that my subconscious mind gifted to me. By hearing the same song twice, I was bound to pay attention to it; thus, experiencing a pleasant memory and reliving a better time in my life.

Drop a line at about the coincidences in your life so we can compare notes.

Meanwhile, remember you can “friend” Gypsy Stars on Facebook, “like” The Urban Goddess fan page that is support for all metaphysicians everywhere, and purchase a T-zing t-shirt.

May all of your coincidences bring you pleasant memories.

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Dreams: Deception Or Inception

Greetings, Gifted Reader!

One of my favorite things to do is to dream. I don’t mean to daydream, but the kind that happens when you sleep. I find that often what I dream either manifests into so-called reality, or else it gives me a pretty good indication of exactly what is going on with me subconsciously.

preparing for a nightly dream...
Last night, I dreamt I was with my younger sister hanging out on the roof of a skyscraper. Watching her, I sensed she invited risky behavior so I kept my eyes on her. Sure enough, she soon swung her legs over a ledge that had a kind of metal bar holding her at chest level. While she swung her dangling legs back and forth, I strained my eyes to see the street beneath us. I felt we were at least 30 stories high. Suddenly, my sister slipped through the metal bar and from the ledge. It happened so fast that all I could see were her raised arms as she slid down. Panicked, I looked over the ledge. To my shock, I saw that she had not fallen into the street at all, but to another roof just beneath ours. She was safe.

In another part of the same dream, I was watching an airplane in a bright blue sky. While I casually looked, the plane suddenly stopped moving. One minute it had been flying forward, and the next it simply became still. I just knew that plane would drop from the sky, although I never witnessed it doing so. Instead, I went into a third dream.

Let me tell you, Gifted Readers, my dreams are busy!

I’m going to tell you about the third one in another post so that I'll have space and time to decipher the two I just told you about.

dreams of water can be spiritual or sexy
First Dream: While living in Hawai’i, I met a dream interpreter who studied at a Jungian school in Santa Barbara. Although he was Palestinian, he grew up in Egypt where he’d nurtured an interest in metaphysics. When I told him about some of my dreams, he was surprised to learn I dreamt about my sister almost every night. “You’re so lucky,” he said. “That’s not your sister. That’s your shadow self.” In other words, I was interacting with my deeper subconscious on a nightly basis and by analyzing our roles in the dreams, I could guide my own life better. Here’s wikipedia’s take on Carl Jung’s philosophy of shadow selves:

So my sister, in my dream, is an aspect of me. She’s the side that takes risks like sitting on a high ledge and swinging her legs, inviting danger. But look at what happened when she slipped and fell! She only slid down to the next roof and was safe. That dream tells me that I don’t trust my own instincts. My shadow self is willing to take chances that my conscious self deems unsafe, yet my subconscious self ended up being just fine. I believe the skyscraper represents some lofty idea of mine—rising to the top—a goal I want to attain. But while my conscious self is warning me to be careful, my subconscious self will take a chance because she knows that she will end up safe no matter what. And, so will I. 

If you see it differently, please drop me a line at

dreams of trees can indicate what we're rooted to, or not
Now, my second dream, I think, is a reinforcement of the first. The airplane is in the sky and stops, but doesn’t fall. Once again, this dream is about a lofty idea or goal that I’m aiming high for (like that skyscraper in the first dream), perhaps just out of reach. I don’t have characters representing my conscious/subconscious in this dream, but the plane represents a thrust of energy. It appears that I'm going for it, but then I stop. Yet, I don’t fall. What’s going on here? Am I intentionally stopping myself from going forward in some pursuit of mine? I should continue that goal, you see, because I will not fall; I will not fail. I think that must be it! Let me know if you feel differently.

Don’t forget, you can “friend” Gypsy Stars on Facebook, “like” The Urban Goddess page that supports all metaphysicians, and purchase a T_zing t-shirt.

Until we meet again, sweet dreams always.

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves

Greetings, Gifted Reader!

Many, many moons ago, I entered into a business partnership with another reader. Together, we organized and presented small psychic fairs around our mid-sized city.

This partner was also instrumental in my being hired by Psychic Friends Network where she had worked for some time. Because her mother was an Astrologer and she herself had substantial training in the mantric arts, I thought we were on the same wavelength. However, when I told her that that my reader name was Gypsy Stars, she reacted negatively.
Gypsy Stars
@ Psychic Fair

The reason I chose this name is because, for some strange reason, my Japanese national mother dressed me up as a Gypsy every single Halloween. Without fail, she’d put me in layered swinging skirts, cover my head with colorful scarves while allowing my long, jet hair to fly in the wind, decorate my ears with dangling jewelry, and paint my lips with bright red lipstick. Looking back, it strikes me as peculiar because neither one of us knew anything about real Gypsies except that the women were beautiful and danced with tambourines in front of fires on beaches in movies starring Gina Lollobrigida:

As for the Stars in Gypsy Stars, it’s not just Astrology that I was referencing, but my personal philosophy that everybody is a star…a la Sly Stone:

But back to my biz partner: Admonishing me to not use the word ‘gypsy’, she told me that Gypsies have a bad reputation as liars, scammers and thieves. I was astounded. Weren’t gypsies responsible for popularizing the idea of card, crystal ball and palm readings—which was the very service we provided? And, weren’t they specifically sought out for persecution by Nazis in Europe? How could Gypsies have been the culprits in that scenario?

Gypsy Stars
ringing bell
for Oshun
My biz partner’s slanted opinion sent me to the encyclopedia (this was before the Internet). After extensively reading, I still couldn’t find a definitive explanation for the origination of Gypsies that experts agreed on.

Did they hail from the India subcontinent as some believe? Or, is the word ‘gypsy’ short for Egyptian?

Certainly, I don’t believe Gypsies or Romani are all tramps and thieves as Cher sang back in the day. In her hit song, Cher--who has Armenian roots--talked about being mislabeled as her fictional family traveled the U.S.

Gypsy Stars
@Enchanted Tree, Honolulu

In any case, I have stuck with the name Gypsy Stars, and always will. I have a healthy respect for any group of people who practice metaphysics.

Do you have an opinion about this subject? Drop me a line at

Meanwhile, the new Gypsy Stars website is up, but only on a temporary server. Next week, we’ll move to a permanent host and domain but here’s a preview.

Remember you can friend Gypsy Stars on Facebook, “like” The Urban Goddess page that supports all metaphysicians, and buy one of our T_zing t-shirts.

Until we meet again, you should sing and dance like a Gypsy to find happiness.

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Life's Meaning: Loss And Transformation

Greetings, Gifted Reader!

While most of the country cheerfully frolics under sun-drenched summer skies, Gypsy Stars is a little overwhelmed by cloudy thoughts these days.

May I share?

Gypsy Stars (left) at psychic fair, 1992
Recently, I’ve befriended people who are going through a major transition. In fact, a more appropriate word might be 'transformation' because the karmic lessons they’re enduring are so heavy their lives will no doubt change radically. The positive note is that these people are at least aware of what is happening to them, and so are in a position to do something about it.

In the West, our busy lives are so focused on the material plane that it’s often difficult to perceive and understand what’s happening with us on a deeper, more spiritual level. When something profoundly negative occurs, it’s often bewildering and much too painful to deal with if we are only examining it from our lower chakra selves—the self that’s focused on ego. Those who are more tuned in on a higher consciousness level will find fulfillment in self-examination, navel-gazing if you will.

Not too long ago, one of my friends lost her husband. Although he was going through his second Saturn Return at 58, she’s much younger. Her husband’s Astrological experience transformed her life and without knowing her chart, I’d have to say there must be some kind of healing taking place with her Asteroid Chiron. Instead of just grieving, which is entirely justified for this friend, she has taken advantage of this awful time to look closer at her spiritual self.

Gypsy Stars with Darlene Romero's AstroTeez, 1992
Another friend is going through a Uranus opposition. At age 42, the planet Uranus moves directly opposite of where it was in your Natal chart—the chart you were born with. This is known as the midlife crisis because Uranus is youthful and attempts to recapture its youth at its opposition. Thus, older men will seek out someone younger for dating and may even suddenly purchase a red sports car. Smile! Uranus brings sudden and unexpected events, too—like lightning and earthquakes; much like the Yoruba deity Oya, the warrior goddess, who is always about change whether you like it or not.

Our Astrology group did an excellent job in analyzing my friend’s chart and providing her with solutions. Being hypersensitive, she is very aware of every emotion that’s overtaken her mind as she deals with the upheavals in her life.

One of the reasons I’m attracting people undergoing transformation right now is because I currently have a Saturn transit over my Ascendant. My rising sign, which is Libra, indicates an urge to socialize and I make friends easily. But with Saturn hovering, I’m bringing in the heavy lessons—the losses and delays--of others.

Two authors that I found to be very helpful in dealing with loss is Jane Roberts, particularly in her book Seth Speaks, and Carlos Castaneda. All of his books that I’ve read--The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of KnowledgeJourney to Ixtlan: The Lessons of Don Juan, The Second Ring of Power--all resonate with me. If you have some books that have been helpful to you during times of great transformation, please let us know by contacting

This Gypsy Stars blog is also undergoing its own transformation, and within a few weeks you’ll see a new logo and some other minor changes here.
Above are photos of Gypsy Stars at a 1992 psychic fair selling Darlene Romero’s Astro Teez t-shirts. Speaking of t-shirts, you can always check out ours on Cafe Press:

Until we meet again, you are in my thoughts.

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Greetings, Gifted Reader!

What’s the most shocking thing you’ve ever encountered?

Was it a pig with a bee’s stripes and wings? Or, how about a pair of mannequins in bondage in an apparel shop window?

With the Moon in Aquarius this weekend, one can expect all sorts of unexpected events to occur. Yes, even SHOCKING ones. So, be on the alert.

Saturn has also stationed direct several days ago, so there’s the possibility of delays. Saturn is a harsh taskmaster and it’s interesting that he possesses rulership over fathers, since this weekend is also Father’s Day.

It’s a pretty loaded time right now. Besides Father’s Day, there’s also Juneteenth, the day slaves in Texas celebrated their freedom because they were not notified about the Emancipation Proclamation until three years after its passage. Since Aquarius rules freedom, it’s also fitting that the Moon will be located in that sign on that day.

This week, we experienced a Lunar Full Moon Eclipse in Saggitarius. Since Full Moons are a time of great revelations, did you discover anything? Personally, with my Sag Moon, I found out a lot about the meaning of friendship. Even though Aquarius is the sign of friendship, per se, Sag is also a sign that loves its buddies—sometimes even more than its lovers. With a Jupiter rulership, Sag has a tendency to embrace everybody making it impossible to focus on just one. Over-consumption is a typical Sag trait. On that note, let me take my leave. Since I’ve overbooked myself, I need to run! Is that SHOCKING enough?

Remember you can friend Gypsy Stars on Facebook, “like” The Urban Goddess page that encourages and supports all metaphysicians, and buy one of our t-shirts at CafePress.

Until the next moon cycle…

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The End?

Greetings, Gifted Reader!

So, is this it? Are we finis? Did the world end today? Did The Rapture begin?

It blows my mind!
According to followers of radio host Harold Camping, this is the last day we humans will exist on planet earth. If Camping’s prediction ends up coming true, do you think that would be a tragedy? Or, would it be something positive--more like a gateway to a better future?

Yes, Gypsy Stars asks a lot of questions. Blame it on my Sag Moon, which also makes me an eternal optimist. I totally agreed with Bob Marley when he sang, “When one door is closed, many others are opened”.

In the law of cause and effect, wouldn't it mean that if life no longer exists on this plane (for spirits inside human bodies), it's bound to exist on another, new and improved plane? What do you think?

Ah. A much better thought.
Like a lot of religious leaders, Camping preaches exclusivity. Accordingly, if you don’t follow his particular belief system, then you will be doomed to exist on earth while his believers will ascend to some heavenly place that you won’t have access to. Pray tell, what would be so heavenly about that? If you’re a Camping believer and you end up in heaven, but someone you love who is not a believer is condemned to stay on earth, how heavenly will that be for you to be separated from them? Eternally!

But let’s suppose that the world does end today. Have you ever thought about whom you would like most to meet on the Other Side—presuming they retain some semblance of their old human self, that is? 

I have a long list, but one of the more interesting spirits to arrive here in human form, I believe, was martial arts superstar Bruce Lee. Below is a photo of his grave next to his son’s, Brandon's, along with some of Gypsy Stars’ international friends.

Another friend initially took me to the Lee's graves several years ago. On that shimmering summer day, she and I stopped to eat lunch in Chinatown. And, when we arrived at the gravesite, we decided to leave an offering of some of our leftover rice. 

You’re not going to believe what happened next! As we placed some grains of rice on Brandon's grave, the sky suddenly filled up with hundreds of crows. As they caw-cawed their way across the horizon, my friend and I stared at each other in disbelief. In case you don’t know, Brandon was killed working on the set of the film The Crow. At 28, he was probably entering his first Saturn Return. Although my friend and I were unsure of what to make of so many crows appearing to us that day in that particular space, we did understand that it was some kind of message from the Beyond. 

Have you ever had an unusual experience like that? Drop us a line at and tell us about it.

Well, the Sun has officially entered Gemini making this a good time for communications. With Mercury, Venus and Mars all in Taurus, our relationships feel steadier and we should be able to exert more patience towards others. Relationships don’t necessarily have to be romantic and can concern anyone we relate to. Whether it’s a significant other, a parent, a child, a friend, a boss or a co-worker, try a little tolerance. You’ll be surprised by how much of it you have in reserve during these days of predominate Taurus energies.

You probably already know that author George Patton is a frequent commenter on the Facebook profile for Gypsy Stars. Friend us here:

George, whose novel Black Jack is about his great uncle Herman (a well-renowned magician during the Harlem renaissance), was recently featured on the radio show Coast to Coast. Check out George here:

Remember, we have T-zing t-shirts for you at Café Press. 

And, George’s book is on Amazon.

That is, if we’re all still here after 6 p.m. today.

Until the end…

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Hint Of Hoodoo, Voodoo And Automatic Handwriting

Greetings, Gifted Reader!

A couple of weekends ago, Gypsy Stars made an appearance at a fundraiser for a local theater. Donating several hours worth of Tarot card readings for the theatrical patrons was a rewarding experience, and some of the results were quite startling.

Although I won’t ever divulge a client’s personal information, I will admit that some extremely accurate information came through that night. Perhaps, I can explain it like this:

The theme for the fundraiser was Mardi Gras, New Orleans style--a city I have a great deal of affinity for. 

Gypsy Stars in the French Quarter.
In 1988, I happened upon Luisah Teish’s book, Jambalaya.

Quickly I read it, finished it, put it down, picked it back, and read it again. It spoke so strongly to me that for years I referred all my clients to it. In case you’re not familiar, Teish grew up in New Orleans with elements of Vodoun, or Voodoo, practiced in her daily life. Curious, she traced its beliefs to the religion of Ifa found among the Yoruba of West Afrika. 

Soon, I began reading any book I could I find on Vodoun, Santeria, Lucumi, Candomble, and Ifa. Eventually, I traveled to New Orleans and visited the Voodoo Museum and the tomb of Marie LaVeau.

Gypsy Stars and friend
  at Marie Laveau's tomb.
Although I don’t participate in a lot of Ifa rituals today, I still occasionally bring 9 eggplants to a cemetery or toss a watermelon into the sea. Fetifum, Mama Oya! Fetifum, Mama Yemaya!

By the way, have you ever tried automatic handwriting? Several blogs back, I talked about fire gazing and how you should have paper and a marker (as opposed to a pen) next to you while looking into a fire. The same principles are in operation here, but this time you sit at a table. 

Gypsy Stars in New Orleans.
Automatic handwriting doesn’t work well for me and sometimes I wonder if it’s because I’m an artist who tends to doodle a lot. But one of my best friends, Silvia, was a master without even trying to be--perhaps due to her Pisces Sun. 

When we were roommates, Silvia and I would sit at a kitchen table with sheets of paper. After quieting down, we would loosely hold a pen in our hand, placing the tip lightly on top of the paper. Soon, Silvia would be writing and writing and writing. Most of the time, she would appear to go into a trance. Once, I had to collect all the papers as they were flying off the table. After she calmed down, we were shocked to read the words of warning she had penned. They weren’t very positive and spoke of the coming destruction of the planet. That was many moons ago, and Silvia and I have since drifted apart. But I will never forget the “rivers of blood” she scribbled on one sheet of paper. 

Gypsy Stars at St. Louis Cemetery No. 2.
If you discover that what you’re writing is negative and horrifying, then stop and collect your thoughts. We do carry residue from so many sources, and something creepy you wrote could have stemmed from a bad movie you saw.

On to a more positive note. We are officially in Spring, although our long-awaited line of new t-shirts is still not completed. No worries; you can still get our old designs on Cafe Press. Just click the T*zing logo below.

Remember, to join us on Facebook. You can personally friend Gypsy Stars or “like” the Urban Goddess which supports all metaphysicians. If you have a special talent, let us know about it and we’ll interview you here.

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Has Sprung!

Greetings, Gifted Reader!

What could feel more like Spring than The Year of the Rabbit? Spring is the season of fertility, and we all know that there’s no animal more fertile than the rabbit. Right? Thus, the Easter Rabbit and those omnipresent, brightly colored eggs. But did you know that the original Easter holiday was a pagan celebration named for Eoster--the Goddess of Fertility?

Maybe it’s not all that spring-y where you are, but here on the West Coast the weather is currently mild. Some cherry blossoms are also beginning to bloom, and in Japan it would be hanami—flower-watching season. However, the recent earthquake and tsunami tragedy may prevent a lot of Japanese from celebrating--whether it’s due to a physical hardship or for emotional reasons.

When I meet with my Astrologers group the first week of April, I’m sure the hot topic of discussion will be Japan’s catastrophe. Interestingly, the planet Uranus left Pisces for Aries on March 11, the day of the horrific event. Uranus rules sudden, often cataclysmic and unexpected events. While the sign Aries is pioneering and always indicates something new on the horizon, it’s hard to see at this moment how something so awful will give way to something fresh and original. But it will.

Tonight, one week past the tragedy, we’re seeing the fullest Moon in 18 years, which compelled a friend to request a Full Moon spell from me. Maybe someone out there knows one, but the only Moon spell I do begins with a New Moon, which guarantees the spell comes to fruition at the Full Moon. The Moon rules the female principle, particularly older women, and the Ifa deity Yemaya or Yemoja. Yemaya has rulership over the seas as well as pregnant women and children. If you want to connect with her, bring watermelons to the ocean and chant, “Fetifum, Mama Yemaya!”

On the 28th, we’ll be visited by another Mercury Retrograde. If you believe retrogrades are a time of communication disasters, try, instead, to think of it as a chance to reflect. Going backwards gives you the opportunity to re-do something that might not have been done right the first time.

With so many planets in fiery Aries—Sun (March 19), Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus--now is the time to do something brand new. One thing Gypsy Stars promises to do is create more T_zing t-shirts, so please stay tuned for our Spring Line. Meanwhile, check us out here:

Remember, to friend Gypsy Stars on Facebook, and join The Urban Goddess Facebook Group where we support all metaphysicians.

Until next time, I leave you with photos of Spring flowers and one of the Hindu Goddess Komon, above, who is recognized by Japanese. This statue of her appears on Kalaukaua Avenue in Honolulu.

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars