Saturday, July 19, 2014

Astrology's Golden Child

Greetings, Gifted Reader.

Leos love the stage
In about four days, the Sun will move into the sign Leo. For all you roaring lions, primping lionesses and purring cubs out there, this is the time of year when you thrive. Stretching out in the summer sun, showing off your luminous skin and crazy-wild mane, you just love this season--especially when folks start celebrating your birthday and all attention is focused on you.

Because attention is what Leos crave most--especially on a large scale. Up there on stage, surrounded by a multitude of adoring fans, it just doesn’t getter any better for you posing pussycats. You Leos love large crowds. In fact, you love anything large. And gaudy. That’s not to say all of you love bright, shiny things full of gold. But if you have a strong Sun in Leo placement, you’re likely to be drawn to clothing that sparkles and, not just at the disco. It all has to do with your sense of royalty. You are, after all, King of the Jungle.

King of the Jungle in gold
Unless you have a badly aspected Leo Sun, you are most at home on stage in the spotlight beaming away. You may think of it as leading others, but it’s really more about having your ego stroked. But that’s okay. In a lot of ways, Leo’s need for adulation is a lot less harmful than, say, Scorpio’s avenging manipulation.

can't get more golden than these guys 
Which brings us to this. What about the rest of us Sun signs? What does this period do to us?

Seattle Astrologer Dave L., on left, has Leo rising
For fire signs, Aries and Sagittarius, there’s a more harmonious feel during Leo months. For earth, water and air signs like Taurus, Scorpio or Aquarius, it might feel strained since you're all signs that square Leo. But everything depends on where Leo will transit in your Natal chart. What House will be affected? What planets will the Sun make hard aspects to? Those are the triggers to watch for.

Seattle Astrologer Dave H. has Leo Moon
For instance, in Gypsy Stars’ chart, the Sun in Leo will transit her 10th House of Career. Hey, now that sounds promising. If I’m already working, then I should be applauded and recognized. Maybe, I’ll even get a bonus. On the other hand, if I’m looking for a job, the one I acquire during this time could be a keeper

If you’d like to know more about how the Sun in Leo affects your Natal chart, drop us a line at

Here’s an early Leo birthday shout-out to Seattle Astrology Group’s James Clark, below.

Seattle Astrologer James C. has Leo Sun
With all this talk about the Sun, Gypsy Stars almost forgot to ask how you enjoyed the Super Moon of July 12. If you missed it, you have two more chances on August 10 and September 9. Here’s a link to an explanation of the phenomena, which is basically when the moon is closer to earth in its orbit and looks larger to us here on Earth.

Remember, we’re always looking for metaphysicians—astrologers, numerologists, Tarot readers, spiritual healers and more to interview for this blog. Additionally, The Urban Goddess will promote you on Facebook, so join us and tell your story.
serious Leo hair on a non-Leo
If you live in Honolulu, you can read our quarterly Animal Astrology horoscopes in Cherry Pop Revue magazine. And, we have t-shirts!
Until September 20, have a happy Leo summer!

Good luck, light and love,
Gypsy Stars