Monday, December 31, 2018

A Porky New Year

Greetings, Gifted Reader.

Happy New Year!

Besides this being our last post for 2018, we’re also uncertain whether we’ll be returning next year. Our schedules have been getting more hectic all the time, and we’re no longer able to provide a quality post every quarter.

Meanwhile, we’ll be celebrating the Lunar New Year with the Earth Pig on February 5. Do you know what that will mean for you? 

There are lots of websites where you can find detailed information about what to expect for your animal sign during this upcoming year. Here, Gypsy Stars gives you a short overview of Pigs:

Considered to be sociable, Pigs like being around others especially if the crowd is a glamorous one. And, just like real pigs, they’re also gentle and affectionate. While they can be hard workers, Pigs also like to spend a lot of leisure time hanging out with family—especially babies and kids. Pigs can be very nurturing. 

On the other hand, Pigs have a tendency to overindulge in pleasurable pursuits like eating and drinking, which can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle.

For the most part, it seems we’re headed into a year that’s less dramatic, unless some folks in key positions decide to be “pig headed” about things.

Stay tuned! At this time, we still have our Urban Goddess Facebook page and our T-zing tee shirts on Cafe Press.

Good luck, light and love.

Gypsy Stars