Friday, September 30, 2016

Flirtatious Fall Welcomes Winsome Winter

Greetings, Gifted Reader.

As the days grow shorter and the nights colder, we begin to prepare for the inevitability of felicitous Fall, followed by her lover--woeful, wailing Winter.

Astrologically, these two represent the seasons of death. That is, there are two deathly planets--Pluto ruling Scorpio from October 23 through November 21--and later, Saturn ruling Capricorn from December 21 through January 19. Meanwhile, poor jovial Jupiter sits between these two sourpusses, naively laughing but wondering why.

of course, if you live in Hawai'i...
In spite of the chill that ushers in endings, this is the time of year when leaves turn incredible psychedelic colors before falling and losing their lives forever. Perhaps, they mirror human lives. In those final moments before we surrender our bodies, is something gorgeous created from inside of us that expresses itself outwardly as we move on to the next plane?

Maybe not. But we don’t know. No one knows. Not for sure, that is. We can only believe, hope, and have faith that there’s a lovely afterworld waiting for us.

Since today is the last day of September, it seems appropriate to bid you best wishes until we meet again on December 31--when we’ll be full-blown into winter. Brrr.

Until then, don’t forget that Gypsy Stars is available on Facebook. Look for our fan page at The Urban Goddess where you can list your metaphysical specialties.

Remember, too, that we have t-shirts that can help you stay warm and dry!

Good luck, light and love.