Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sun Daze

Greetings, Gifted Reader.

There’s nothing like the mid-year solstice that screams SUMMER! Blazing sunshine during long hours of daylight, while frolicking in a grassy park or floating in the cool waters of a nearby lake, brings summer joy. Summer is also the time for fairs, festivals and carnivals.

"county fair in the country sun..."
Remember Sly and the Family Stone’s song, "Hot Fun in the Summer Time?" "...County fair in the country sun, and everything is cooooool…”

Yup. Summer can really work magic on our spirits.

Here’s wikipedia’s definition of summer solstice:

And, an interesting article in the Christian Science Monitor:

"and everything is cooooool..."
But what does summer solstice mean metaphysically?

This season seems to make most of us feel more alive. Longer days give us more light to radiate through our souls. Birds sound chirpier, flowers bloom brighter, fruits ripen sweeter, and there’s a feeling that we’re at the apex of existence. Where spring was like birth, summer is us living our lives before we begin fading in fall and dying in winter—only to do it all over again.
flowers bloom brighter

If you’re a yogi or yogini, practicing sun salutations outdoors is lovely this time of year. Remember to eat fresh fruit and drink lots of spring water. And spending time among flora and fauna can be so fulfilling.

Another phenomena to look for happens tonight with the so-called Super Moon. It’s the fullest and closest moon to earth all year. See for yourself:

And, drop us a line to tell us how you celebrate summer solstice.

While you’re at it, please like our Urban Goddess fan page that celebrates all metaphysicians everywhere. We also have T_zing t-shirts, which we’re just about ready to relaunch with some new designs. 

Until we meet again,

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars