Saturday, December 31, 2016

Cockle Doddle Doo! Outta the Way for the Year of the Rooster!

Greetings, Gifted Reader.

If you think that the past few months have been some loud and raucous sound bytes, just wait until January 28 when the Yin Fire Rooster begins in the Chinese zodiac.

There’s a different element and gender energy that defines each of the 12 animals that take turns ruling over a specific year. While every animal repeats after a 12-year cycle, the gender energies—Yin (female) and Yang (male)—switch places every new year. However the elements—metal, wood, water, fire or earth—won’t repeat again for 60 years. Thus, the last Fire Rooster Year was 1957. What occurred that year? That’s what we should consider when determining what this Fire Rooster Year—January 28, 2017 to February 15, 2018—will be like.

Here are some glimpses back at 1957 with many events sounding similar to what’s occurred during the tail end of this year:

*The Soviet Union launches Sputnik, the first ever space satellite, inciting some Americans to build backyard bomb shelters. Relations between the two countries were hostile, to say the least.
"Humph! He thinks he's smarter than us!"

*Skirmishes arose between Egypt versus Britain, France and Israel over the Suez Canal.

"This is mine!" "No, it's mine!"

*In Little Rock Arkansas, the governor calls out the National Guard to prevent nine black students from integrating an all-white high school. Later, the president deploys federal troops to assist the students. Earlier, the Brown v. the Board of Education school desegregation case reaches the Supreme Court.

"Did you just lay an egg?"

*The first nuclear power plant begins operations in Pennsylvania.

*Ghana and Singapore are liberated from the British while Papa Doc becomes dictator of Haiti.
"I rule!"

*Hurricane Audrey kills over 500 people in Texas.

*In between international assassinations and political coups, and European colonizers withdrawing from countries they’d previously occupied, it was a tumultuous time that saw the rise of the VietCong. Meanwhile, Americans were buying new suburban homes and starting families 12 years following the end of WWII.

"Why, yes. I AM interested in remodeling. 2017, that is."

Get ready for the burn, folks. The Year of the Fire Rooster is almost here! 

Mike Reed attempts to pet a rooster at the West Seattle Community Festival

The term “hard working” is often used to describe rooster folks. If you ever observe an animal rooster (in Hawai’i they’re often feral), you’ll notice they’re the first ones up each morning, crowing loudly to get everyone else going. And, like animal roosters, human roosters can also be arrogant and boastful; although, for the most part, people find them quite charming. However, they are sometimes too blunt and easily hurt others’ feelings.

"I understand some folks find us quite charming." "Speak for yourself."
"Although I have a nice appearance, I've been told I'm too blunt."

Active, independent, with normally nice appearances, human roosters are sometimes overly fussy about their looks, earning them the reputation of being conceited. They also exhibit great leadership skills but, just like the animal rooster, can give off the appearance of being egocentric. You’ve seen the pompous rooster strutting around the barnyard with his scarlet comb atop his head? Then, you get the picture.

As an element, fire is both dangerous and powerful. Because it can spread rapidly, it has the ability to destroy everything in its path. On the other hand, harnessing it as an energy source to create heat and a method for cooking foods has been lifesaving.

Yin years are female in energy so the new year should bring a renewed focus on women’s issues worldwide. Overall, there will be a more feminine sensibility attached to everything, albeit a fiery one.

There are lots of sites where you can learn what the upcoming year holds in store for each astrological animal, like Rats, Oxen and Tigers, etc. but Chinese astrologers believe that sharing the year with your animal makes the animal jealous. So, if you’re a Fire Rooster by birth, you should exercise caution this year.

Meanwhile, Gypsy Stars has had a Facebook profile page since 2009, but funky administrators decided she had to create a fan page instead. That should be up in the next few weeks. Although she can’t currently log on to her own page to manage The Urban Goddess, created for 
you and metaphysicians like you, that doesn’t mean that you can’t still like it.

Once upon a time, Gypsy Stars also sold T-zing t-shirts on Cafe Press, but Cafe Press suddenly decided that all stores need to pay a $25 fee just for staying open. With the very low profit that’s earned with each t-shirt, the fee’s just not worth it.

Therefore, Gypsy Stars will no longer advertise T-zing t-shirts or her Facebook profile page.

You see, Gifted Reader, the Fire Rooster has already made its arrogant presence known.

Until March 31 when we meet again, here’s to a Happy New Year!

Good luck, light and love.

Gypsy Stars


Friday, September 30, 2016

Flirtatious Fall Welcomes Winsome Winter

Greetings, Gifted Reader.

As the days grow shorter and the nights colder, we begin to prepare for the inevitability of felicitous Fall, followed by her lover--woeful, wailing Winter.

Astrologically, these two represent the seasons of death. That is, there are two deathly planets--Pluto ruling Scorpio from October 23 through November 21--and later, Saturn ruling Capricorn from December 21 through January 19. Meanwhile, poor jovial Jupiter sits between these two sourpusses, naively laughing but wondering why.

of course, if you live in Hawai'i...
In spite of the chill that ushers in endings, this is the time of year when leaves turn incredible psychedelic colors before falling and losing their lives forever. Perhaps, they mirror human lives. In those final moments before we surrender our bodies, is something gorgeous created from inside of us that expresses itself outwardly as we move on to the next plane?

Maybe not. But we don’t know. No one knows. Not for sure, that is. We can only believe, hope, and have faith that there’s a lovely afterworld waiting for us.

Since today is the last day of September, it seems appropriate to bid you best wishes until we meet again on December 31--when we’ll be full-blown into winter. Brrr.

Until then, don’t forget that Gypsy Stars is available on Facebook. Look for our fan page at The Urban Goddess where you can list your metaphysical specialties.

Remember, too, that we have t-shirts that can help you stay warm and dry!

Good luck, light and love.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Days Of Sun, Nights Of Bon

Greetings, Gifted Reader.

It’s 10 days past Summer Solstice. Have you sensed any changes in the air yet?

Seattle Astrologers mull over transiting planets
With the Sun in Cancer, people tend to be more family-oriented. And because Cancer also rules our memories, this season often finds us being overly sentimental about the past.

An emotive, cardinal water sign, Cancer is a lot more take-charge than most people give them credit for. Look at how many U.S presidents had their Suns placed in Cancer. Even though it’s known for being nurturing and supportive, Cancer’s moonstruck personality shouldn’t fool you. Remember, Cancer rules mothers who are fierce fighters when it comes to protecting her young—whether human or animal.

While Mercury (communications) just moved into shy Cancer, aggressive Mars went direct in Scorpio. This Mars placement sometimes portends violence, although it can also be indicative of intense energy. It can be a good time to focus on your career goals if you have a 10th House Scorpio. Look where Scorpio appears in your natal chart; then, check out where Mars is transiting it. Chances are this is the area where you’ll be concentrating most of your attention.

honeymooning on a sunny Ala Moana day

We like to think of summertime as an easy-breezy time to spend vacationing or hanging out with loved ones at backyard parties and b-b-q’s, but with Pluto’s continuing presence in Capricorn, we’re in for more political and government upheaval, too.

yoga on the beach, Westside-style

Try to maintain some lightness in your life. Drink lots of water, eat fresh organic fruits—watermelon, frozen grapes and lychee are especially refreshing now—and practice yoga to relax your mind and keep your body flexible during these turbulent times.
Bon No Tsuki

Meanwhile, for Japanese living anywhere, it’s the season for Obon or Bon Odori--bon dance. Summer is when our departed ancestors return to earth to spend time with us. So we celebrate their homecoming by dancing.

Buddhist temples erect a yagura (sacred bandstand) to hold musicians and singers, and dancers perform in a circle around it. In most locations, anyone can join in the dancing. A lot of participants like to wear colorful summer kimono or a hapi coat.

There’s no specific date for Obon as different communities like to hold their own special event. In Hawai’i, where there are 40 Buddhist temples, there are as many celebrations scattered throughout summertime.

(public domain artwork usage clearance:

Additional components of Obon can include floating lanterns to help the ancestors find their way back to the other side. Names of the departed are sometimes tied to lines strung across temple grounds. At some festivals, booths sell food and omamori (good luck charms). Dances vary from region to region as do the songs, although some have become quite standard like Tanko Bushi, the coal miner’s song.

Remember, Gypsy Stars is on Facebook where we host The Urban Goddess. If you have a metaphysical service and want to post it on our page, please do so.

And, don’t forget we have t-shirts:


See you in September, following the Autumn Equinox!

Until then…

Good luck, light and love.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Hanami For Haru

Greetings, Gifted Reader.

Konnichi-wa from Nippon! Haru (spring) has surely sprung and everyone is out for hanami--flower viewing, or gazing at sakura (cherry blossoms).

This ancient practice has its roots in shinto, the Japanese belief in animism and ancestral worship. Since Heian times, Japanese royalty would spend long hours in gorgeously kept gardens meditating over these beautiful blossoms.

Today, everyone in Japan is allowed to view these exquisite flowers that only stay in bloom a few weeks--usually beginning in March, but sometimes later in April. Because of sakura's short lifespan, Japanese really appreciate them while they're around--much in the same way we should feel about our loved ones. Life is fleeting, as they say.

So, here are some sakura to remind you to stay in spirit and love your loved ones.

Don't forget to check out Gypsy Stars on Facebook and like our page, The Urban Goddess. And, of course, we have t-shirts:

Until next quarter...

Good luck, light and love.

Gypsy Stars

Saturday, January 16, 2016

2016: No Time To Monkey Around

In 2016, Gypsy Stars will be publishing quarterly. After this posting, we’ll be back on March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31.

With that in mind, we’re sending you our best wishes for a happy Lunar New Year, which this year occurs on February 8--a most auspicious number to Chinese as the character sounds like the word for generating wealth.

However the actual first day of the Year of the Red Fire Monkey is February 4. The fire element shows how fast changes can occur, so watch out. Fire may be necessary for cooking and heating, but when it’s out of control fire can spread quickly while wreaking havoc along its path.

As for the Year of the Red Fire Monkey, our advice is to be playful but smart. This is a year that will bring forward lots of bold and innovative ideas. But will they last? The Monkey is clever and inventive, but lacks patience. Don’t have a Monkey mind! Stop your incessant chattering and stay focused on accomplishing your goals.

And, remember that no matter what year it is, if it’s the same as your own animal sign, that animal will be resentful for having to share it with you. If you’re a Monkey, tread lightly this year.

According to Master Tsai, this is the year that invites you to outsmart the Monkey and avoid getting snagged by his/her cunning mind.

Don’t forget to ‘like’ our Facebook page at The UrbanGoddess, where we promote all metaphysicians.

And, you can get your Year of the Monkey t-shirt at our CaféPress T_zing Café store.

Until we meet in March…

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars