Sunday, June 30, 2019

Neptune Retrograde: Revealing The Illusion

Greetings, Gifted Reader.
what does all that mean?

Holy Retrograde!

In July, Mercury will join Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto in a parade of retrograde planets.

Meanwhile, in August, as Jupiter goes direct—Uranus will turn retrograde. 

My stars! What does all that mean?

Some Astrologers see retrogrades as disasters. Since the orb of the planet slows down, it appears to be spinning backwards. Therefore, goes the thought, whatever that planet represents will also spin out of control.

But planets appearing to be spinning backwards are not out of control. They are deliberate in their shifting of gears. Therefore, there are many ways in which retrogrades can be of value.

For instance, Neptune is a planet that naturally obscures and veils. It’s associated with mystery, magic and illusion. But when Neptune is retrograde, moving in backward motion, the curtains fall and what was hidden becomes fully exposed. Remember the Wizard of Oz?

Neptune rules Pisces...
Neptune rules alcohol and drug addiction, self-imprisonment, hospitals and mental institutions; and, it’s currently in its own sign of Pisces.

...and the seas
Additionally, Neptune rules dreams and glamour. With Hollywood being so magnetic and bewitching, it probably has a prominent Neptune in its chart. But watch out when Neptune is retrograde because it will open the windows wide and allow you to see the dirty truth inside.

Santa Monica beach (almost Hollywood)
Where is retrograde Neptune in Pisces transiting in your chart? Its House position and any aspecting planets will indicate what it is being revealed.

Although we no longer maintain a website, you can always check out our Urban Goddess page on Facebook and our T_zing t-shirts on Cafe Press.

until we meet again on September 30…

Good luck, light and love.

Gypsy Stars