Saturday, January 19, 2013

Age Of Aquarius; Or, The Month Of Anyway

Greetings, Gifted Reader!

Don’t be shocked, but the Sun entered Aquarius today. You know, that electrified sign that likes to astonish, stun and shock us?

A Fixed (Triplicity) Air (Quadriplicity) sign, Aquarius, is considered intellectual and a bit nerdy due to its absentmindedness. Often, those born with Sun in Aquarius are unusually good looking, which is ironic because they also tend to be rather asexual.

Still, Aquarians have a way of surprising us because of their contradictory nature. Like their ruling planet, Uranus, Aquarians never move in a linear, or predictable manner. Rather, they seem to thrive on being unconventional, rebellious and embracing that which is not of the status quo.

back to hippie?
Remember that little thing called the 1960’s? Remember the hippie movement back then? What was one of its national anthems? Perhaps that song sung by The Fifth Dimension…something about…this is the dawning of The Age of Aquarius.

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Okay, so the lyrics are referring to an entire Age, which it's still not clear exactly when that will begin. Each sign of the Zodiac rules about 2,000 years and there’s no consensus about when the Age of Pisces ends and Aquarius begins. But doesn’t that just reflect Pisces confusion and Aquarian unpredictability?

Read about it here. And, please watch the video for some great music:

Aquarians love meaningful graffiti
contradictory much?
But back to that 'peace and love' thing. See, Aquarius is supposed to be insightful with an intuitive sense for humanity. As much as these folks are individualists, they also tend to prefer relationships involving groups of people as opposed to those that are one-on-one. Like its symbol, the Water Bearer--a man pouring water to the masses from a large jug slung across his shoulders, Aquarians are inspired to assist large, anonymous crowds rather than a single familiar face. After all, Aquarians are sometimes commitment phobic in their quest for personal freedom—which also contradicts their need to be of service to others.

By default, Aquarius rules the 11th House of Friendship, Social Groups, Wishes, Hopes and Dreams. Whatever sign and planets fall there determines the way you deal with those areas of your life.

sculpture for The Aquarian Age
And, where is Aquarius in your chart? That’s where you are the most independent. Is it on the Cusp of your Fifth House? Then, you could be more of a friend than parent to your child. Or, maybe you like to have unusual love affairs. Aquarians can be kinky, too, as they love to experiment with the unusual. Anyone for a threesome?

The planet Uranus has an 84-year cycle through the 12 signs. Therefore, when you reach the age of 42, it’s exactly opposite of where it was in your Natal chart when you were born. That's what we in the West refer to as the “midlife crisis”. In an effort to recapture our youth, many of us behave suddenly and unexpectedly in our 42nd year--especially males with money who often purchase red sports cars and begin dating 20 year-olds. When Transiting Uranus opposes your Natal Uranus, it triggers planets that form aspects to that House. Just check it out if you’ve already passed that age to see how you behaved during your Uranian opposition.

Meanwhile, welcome to the Sun in Aquarius until February 18.

Don’t forget to ‘like’ The Urban Goddess on Facebook, and if you have a celestial service to share, by all means, post it on our page there. You can also friend Gypsy Stars and buy a T_zing t-shirt at CafĂ© Press.

Until we meet in Pisces,

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars