Saturday, June 30, 2018

A Summer Solstice, A Solar Eclipse, And A Grand Trine, Oh My

Greetings, Gifted Reader.

Hopefully, you enjoyed a happy Summer Solstice—an that event occurred on June 21. How do you feel so far? Are you shining sunnier during these carefree summer days? Or has the higher heat been just too inflammatory, triggering eruptions in your life like Madame Pele on Kilauea in Hawai’i Island?

moon rising over the Pacific

You may already be aware, but a very important Astrological happening occurs on July 12 and 13—a partial Solar Eclipse with the New Moon in Cancer shadowing the Sun in Cancer. There’s also a Grand Trine forming among the planets Venus (in Virgo), Uranus (in Taurus), and Pluto (retrograde in Capricorn); along with Sun (in Cancer), Jupiter (retrograde in Scorpio) and Neptune (retrograde in Pisces). Altogether, they will form a six-pointed star.

The New Moon will also conjunct the U.S.’ Sun in Cancer.

Stormie Grace explains it all in her Youtube video:

So, what are your plans? Retrogrades are great for do-overs, btw. Think about what needs starting all over in your own life and apply the Eclipse-Grand Trine towards fixing those things. And, should you begin something new during that period, with all that Cancer energy flowing around, it would be wise to focus on honoring mothers, older females and those that nurture and ensure your safety and security.
a father and his family of sons play at the Pacific

Cancer is also about the home and family; thus, they tends towards introverted behavior. A highly emotional sign, Cancer can have a heard time explaining their feelings and resort to showing the world a grouchy, pouty face—for years! Just kidding, but you Moon children can fall into some deep, dark depressing holes so try to stay light and lively. We need you!

Both Robin Williams (July 21) and Anthony Bourdain (June 25) had their Suns in Cancer.

While you’re here, please check out T_zing t-shirts on Cafe Press and like our Urban Goddess page on Facebook.

Until September 30, we wish you an amazing summer of achievement.

Good luck, light and love.

Gypsy Stars