Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Has Sprung!

Greetings, Gifted Reader!

What could feel more like Spring than The Year of the Rabbit? Spring is the season of fertility, and we all know that there’s no animal more fertile than the rabbit. Right? Thus, the Easter Rabbit and those omnipresent, brightly colored eggs. But did you know that the original Easter holiday was a pagan celebration named for Eoster--the Goddess of Fertility?

Maybe it’s not all that spring-y where you are, but here on the West Coast the weather is currently mild. Some cherry blossoms are also beginning to bloom, and in Japan it would be hanami—flower-watching season. However, the recent earthquake and tsunami tragedy may prevent a lot of Japanese from celebrating--whether it’s due to a physical hardship or for emotional reasons.

When I meet with my Astrologers group the first week of April, I’m sure the hot topic of discussion will be Japan’s catastrophe. Interestingly, the planet Uranus left Pisces for Aries on March 11, the day of the horrific event. Uranus rules sudden, often cataclysmic and unexpected events. While the sign Aries is pioneering and always indicates something new on the horizon, it’s hard to see at this moment how something so awful will give way to something fresh and original. But it will.

Tonight, one week past the tragedy, we’re seeing the fullest Moon in 18 years, which compelled a friend to request a Full Moon spell from me. Maybe someone out there knows one, but the only Moon spell I do begins with a New Moon, which guarantees the spell comes to fruition at the Full Moon. The Moon rules the female principle, particularly older women, and the Ifa deity Yemaya or Yemoja. Yemaya has rulership over the seas as well as pregnant women and children. If you want to connect with her, bring watermelons to the ocean and chant, “Fetifum, Mama Yemaya!”

On the 28th, we’ll be visited by another Mercury Retrograde. If you believe retrogrades are a time of communication disasters, try, instead, to think of it as a chance to reflect. Going backwards gives you the opportunity to re-do something that might not have been done right the first time.

With so many planets in fiery Aries—Sun (March 19), Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus--now is the time to do something brand new. One thing Gypsy Stars promises to do is create more T_zing t-shirts, so please stay tuned for our Spring Line. Meanwhile, check us out here:

Remember, to friend Gypsy Stars on Facebook, and join The Urban Goddess Facebook Group where we support all metaphysicians.

Until next time, I leave you with photos of Spring flowers and one of the Hindu Goddess Komon, above, who is recognized by Japanese. This statue of her appears on Kalaukaua Avenue in Honolulu.

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars

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