Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Law According To Oya

Greetings, Gifted Reader!

Kanaka's Oshun necklace for love
What area of life do you find yourself needing the most help with these days? For a lot of people, relationships are a constant problem because they involve others who can never be controlled. No matter how much you love someone, you can’t make that person do what you want them to, how you want them to, or when you want them to. 

Gypsy Stars suggests for those of you experiencing frustration in your love life to try understanding what it’s like for the object of your affection. Even though it’s perfectly human to want to enjoy love the way you want to with that person, you must remember that everyone has his or her own way of loving you back. You can also ask for Oshun's assistance, but that's another blog.

Besides seeking help with relationships, a lot of people also tend to ask for advice about making more money, dealing with work woes, having a successful career, or how to have a happier family life. Actually, those are some of the easier situations to deal with and for which solutions are more abundant. It’s those pesky relationships that disappoint us the most!

leaving eggplants for Oya at Santa Monica cemetery
One irritant that I have personally rubbed up against more than once in my life involves legal issues. Whether you’re dealing with a lawsuit, lawyers or judges, it’s not easy for a layperson to navigate the increasingly complicated and elitist legal system. 

The Astrological signs most associated with law are Libra and Sagittarius. The 7th House rules 'open enemies' (as opposed to the 8th House of 'secret enemies'), while the 9th House rules higher education and law. Jupiter, ruler of Sag, is the planet of justice. If you have a preponderance of planets in Libra or Sag, be prepared to have to confront someone in a courtroom at some point in your life.

looking for Oya in Hawai'i cemetery--boy on ridge, human or spirit?
But know, too, that there are ways to protect yourself against lawsuits and help you prevail in them. One of the most effective is the Yoruba deity Oya. The warrior goddess of lightning and sudden storms, wind and fire, Oya is also the administrator of justice. Her number is 9, interestingly the same as the House that Sag rules.

Take 9 eggplants to the cemetery where Oya lives. Wear purple and silver. Light a purple candle, or light 9 of them. Give yourself over to the mama of righteousness who won’t see her children trample on by lowlife liars and thieves. Oya has her own special way of dealing with those without principles who cross your path and steal from you. Probably one of the most misunderstood deities, Oya’s fierceness is not without good cause. A believer in fairness, she will not sit by idly and watch the innocent suffer.

Here's more about Oya:

(scroll to end of page)

Oya's favorite
Remember, readers, to look for our new line of T_zing t-shirts coming this Fall. You can also friend Gypsy Stars on Facebook and like The Urban Goddess where we promote all metaphysicians. Let us know about your favorites.
Until next month, Fetifum Mama Oya!

Good luck, light and love,

Gypsy Stars


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