Friday, March 31, 2017

Sprung Over Spring

Greetings, Gifted Reader.

As they say, “spring has sprung” and with it so have the cosmos.

Besides the Sun entering Aries on March 20, Mercury also moved there earlier on March 14. And, Venus before that on February 4. Further, the planet of love and all things material went into retrograde motion a month later on March 4.

With so much fiery Aries energy coming at you, it’s good to remember that this is a combustible time. Aries is a cardinal fire sign that's aggressive, always moves forward and likes to lead, but rarely follows. In other words, Aries is the boss.

Aries’ ruling planet, Mars, was in also in Aries until March 10 before entering that plodder Taurus. A fixed earth sign, Taurus brings a stability to Mars that it needs in order to get things done. Otherwise, Mars in Aries tends to generate a bunch of ideas that are rarely solidified.

Those personal planets—Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars (along with the Moon)—affect individuals more so than groups of people, while outer planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto stay in a sign for a longer period and tend to influence generations. However, both Jupiter and Saturn can be considered somewhat personal as they do have shorter orbs. 

Since February 6, transiting Jupiter has been retrograde in Libra opposite Aries. If you have a personal planet in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter,  you may have felt as if there were a wall hindering you from achieving something. But it all depends on where you have that Sag placement. Areas where you can feel as if you’re stuck might include overseas travel, higher education and overall luck and fortune—a Jupiter domain. No worries, the planet will go direct again on June 10. Note that Saturn has been lingering in Sag, adding further hinderances and causing even more craziness as it goes retrograde on April 6.

So what does all this cosmic activity mean to the average person? Truthfully, not much unless you know your Natal chart. There are lots of websites that offer free charts these days, so input your birth info and take a look to see where the above planets intersect with yours.

For instance, if you have Aries Ascendant at 21 degrees, when Mercury hit it exactly on March 25, it likely triggered a communications emphasis for you. Whether that was a positive or negative experience depends on if Mercury created any aspects with other planets, both transiting and natal, and what Houses those planets were located in. Houses are areas of life in your chart and there are 12 of them.

Okay, that’s a lot of information to absorb if you aren’t already a serious student of Astrology. There’s nothing you can do, but study like mad. Oh, and by the way, that retrograde Venus goes all the way back into Pisces on April 3 before going direct on April 15. In general, romance and personal possessions could be given a second chance. Did you lose one or the other?

sakura, sakura
a cherry blossom spring
As for our own Saturnian issues with delays, Facebook has forced Gypsy Stars into creating a business page which is still pending. Right now, you can like both the Gypsy Stars or The Urban Goddess pages, but there hasn't been much activity with either recently.

What is with the Internet anyway—a Uranus domain--also currently in Aries. Our T-zing t-shirts have been stymied since Cafe Press changed its rules. Grrr.

No matter, here’s to a productive spring and, until June 30,

Good luck, light and love.

Gypsy Stars

p.s.Happy Birthday, Lily! We love you forever!


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